Hi there!
Thanks for posting that, short naps are hard on everyone, aren't they.
The first thing that strikes me from your day is your first A time is much shorter than the rest of the day, and the wu is relatively early for the time he goes to sleep at night. I wonder whether, rather than getting him up after 6.30 feed, whether it's worth treating it as a night feed (lights off, all calm) & trying putting him back in the cot and trying to get him back to sleep at that time for a bit more night sleep?
From then on it looks like your A times are in average range for his age (around 1hr15)
Average A times- BOOKMARK ME! so I'd keep that the same. I think those short naps might just be developmental. You could try going into him just before he wakes (e.g. Around the 35-40 min mark) and gently rock bouncer to see if you can extend the nap.
To be honest, at this age the A times and naps are so short that I admit I did some of my LO's naps in buggy, sling or car so we could get out the house & to save my sanity.
In the evenings, I think I would aim for a slightly earlier BT. I wonder whether the fussiness and difficulty settling is from being tired? With a CN finishing around 5.45, I'd aim for a 7pm BT.
Hope that helps, come back of you want to chat through more or have any questions