Hi Deb!
Thank you so much for the advice.
Yesterday (December 28) is the first day I tried the EASY routine and I pretty much followed the schedule outlined in the BW here is how it went:
4:00 a.m: EAT and then sleep
7:00 a.m: EAT
7:45 a.m: Activity (diaper change, tummy time, mat time)
8:15 a.m: Start nap process (not sure how much she actually slept as I didn't track it), spent some time in swing
10:12 a.m: EAT
10:45 a.m: Activity (diaper change, tummy time, mat time, talking time)
11:15 a.m: Start nap process (not sure how much she actually slept as I didn't track it), spent some time in swing
12:55 p.m: EAT
1:45 p.m: Activity
2:15 p.m: Start nap process (not sure how much she actually slept as I didn't track it), spent some time in swing
4:03 p.m: EAT
4:45 p.m: Activity
5:15 p.m: Start nap process (only around 20 min in crib)
6:01 p.m: EAT
7:00 p.m: Bath, bedtime ritual
7:15 p.m: Start nap process (in crib, but had spent time in arms)
7:58 p.m: EAT
Slept after feed
Diaper change
10:09 pm: EAT (breast and a bottle of expressed breast milk)
My LO slept until 5:00 a.m.
Day 2 (December 29):
5:07 am: feed for about 30 min, then had to burp and do a diaper change
6:15 am: Sleep in crib
7:10 a.m: Activity (because she work up)
8:00 a.m Eat for about 20 min
8:25ish a.m: Activity (tummy time, mat time)
9:15 a.m to 10:45 a.m: Sleep (8 min in crib, had to get her to settle, and rest of the time in swing)
10:45 a.m: Eat
11:15 a.m: Activity (diaper, tummy time, sitting and talking to dad)
12 to 2:00 p.m: Sleep (in car seat as we went out)
2:03 p.m: Eat
2:30 p.m: Activity
3:00 to 3:25 p.m: Sleep (in car seat as went home). I tried to put her in her crib to sleep, but she wouldn't. Tried settling her and putting her in the swing, but she wouldn't sleep so we did Activity until about 4:15
4:15 p.m: Eat
4:40 p.m: Activity
It is now 5:10 p.m. on Day 2 and I'm going to try and put her down for a cat nap at 5:30 in her crib (let's see how this goes). I plan to feed her again around 6:15 or 6:30, then do bath and bed time routine at 7:00 and then a final feed at 7:30 or 8:00 pm. I will also do a dream feed at around 9:30 or 10:00 p.m.
A couple of observations that may affect her napping is she usually falls asleep at the breast and then wakes up when we burb her. Do you think that is affecting her napping? Also, she likes to be carried and doesn't really like to nap in her crib (I do dim the lights, put on the sleep sheep so there is some noise). I don't know what I can do to get her to sleep in her crib, as opposed to the swing.