Hi mums! Please HELP!
We are really at a low point

He is now 9m and no change.
I haven't weaned the paci because he can and does use it himself. Often when we go to him it's in his hand or even in his crying lips. I had managed to stop feeding him at all till 5am, but the last few weeks it's been back to one of us trying to settle him from between 11 /1 until 3 when I finally feed him. at around 3/4. DH is suggesting I just go back to feeding him closer to midnight/whenever he first wakes, like a DF... Right now after feeding him at 3/4 am he calms down and I leave him to go to sleep by himself. (He doesn't feed back to sleep, but he does drink a lot = one boob isn't enough.) He is a very hungry boy, he cries for food during the day and eats big portions of very healthy food. It may be that he isn't getting enough milk as he is often distracted at bf. He is no longer constipated, he drinks plenty water which has solved that problem. He has first couple of teeth and is gaining mobility which could be bothering him with NW. He is right over a storm cloud in wonderweeks, but there is no change since 6m so I don't think thats it. There could be some separation anxiety, but it's just been going on for so long! I am struggling to cope with lack of sleep - I am HAPPY if I get one 3hr stretch after the feed.
I didn't try weaning the paci because the with my method of putting him to sleep, I am not there - I just give it to him in his hand and he watches me walkout. I hang around to make sure he sings himself to sleep, if he gets upset I go and give him a hug or a pat. But I think staying in the room to do the gentle removal would stimulate him too much. Perhaps I should just try.
His schedule changes a lot depending on WU which can be between 4:30 and 6:30
6:30 WU BF
7:30 - solids
9:30 - S
11:40 - BF (I had to wake him)
12:30 - E
2:45 - S
4:15 -BF
5 -S
7 BF S
multiple NW, usually starting 11pm
sometimes awake for an hour between 2/3 and 3/4 till I finally give up and feed him
I do usually aim for a 4hr BF schedule, difficult on a 3+ A time schedule with 2hr sleeps.