My 5 month old DD has been using a Pacifier for some time now. I am finding that her naps are never 1.5 hours in length and as such her feeds are less than 4 hours apart since she needs to nurse as soon as she wakes up.
For naps, I put her down with swaddle, pacifier and shh patting her in crib. Her longest nap is 55 minutes, and some are 30 or 45 mins. I try to extend her nap by reinstating the pacifier and shh patting but it hardly works:( I try to stay in there until the 90 min mark but wonder if it's counter productive since i have to keep putting in the pacifier and shh patting.
At the beginning of her night sleep we give her the pacifier while shh patting her and she falls asleep although many times while crying and we keep putting it back in and shh patting til she falls asleep. She used to wake up every 3 hours and we would first try giving her the paci and if that did not work then nursing her. I have not been able to get a single long stretch of sleep from her though (4-5 hours) for very long. Even when that happened, it was very rare.
A time is 2 hours
My questions:
Can shh pat work with the pacifier? (to get the required 1.5 - 2 hour naps during the day if the baby is waking before the 90 minute mark on her own and not able to make herself sleep).
If so, how do we extend her naps using shh pat with the pacifier?
Is it best to just forgo the pacifier and just shh pat? If so, would we do that for both naps and night sleep?
How long will it likely take for the shh pat method with or without the pacifier to work? Weeks? Days? until she can sleep with minimal assistance? Thank you!!