Author Topic: Baby won't go down easy if I am around  (Read 1304 times)

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Offline KingCabbage

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Baby won't go down easy if I am around
« on: January 26, 2017, 15:34:27 pm »
Hey guys!  It's been a bit since I've been on. Our baby has had some limited success with this method of training. She would start to get better then drop back again. We've never had consistent results unfortunately :C

The latest thing is that she is napping well for my husband (he stays with her during the day while I work). On the days I work from home though she is extra fussy, not going to sleep easily (crying and crying and crying) and sleeping for shorter times.

We think she wants to nurse more when I am home. If I am around it's like she knows it, and wants to nurse to sleep.

Any ideas? We shush-pat but she will cry for long stretches and not settle.  Her EASY  is pretty consistent, she is nearing 7 months old and usually up for 2-2.5 hours at a time. She has never napped for long stretches and averages about an hour. Her sleep cues are really hard to read, not sure if that has anything to do with it but we've never had a lot of luck telling when she is tired and she has always fought sleep like crazy. We'd sometimes get a week or two where she'd start to go to sleep normally then she'd snap back. Sometimes it was random sometimes it would be after a big change (she had a fever one weekend and I nursed her more often then for instance)

Offline Scottishmummy

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Re: Baby won't go down easy if I am around
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2017, 08:31:34 am »

7mo already! I remember your posts when she was a newborn!

Just a couple of thoughts...

Her A times sound a little short for her age. Average A times- BOOKMARK ME!   Is it possible that she isn't settling as she's UT & needs a little bit more A time? Would it be worth trying increasing it by 15mins every few days until closer to 3hrs ish??

Also, sh-pat often doesn't work well for LOs older than 6mo. After that age some start to get distracted or annoyed by it.  Can a baby be too old for sh-pat?

Some people change how they do sh-pat (just a sh), some try PU/PD instead. Pick Up/Put Down (PU/PD) - Everything you ever needed to know!

I found my DD preferred me not to be there/not to see me  to fall asleep and I did a WI/WO approach (although standing by door until asleep rather than going out completely) from around 7/8mo.

"Touchy/Spirited" DS

"Textbook" DD