Author Topic: 3 months old, only 2 hours between meals and less than 45 min naps  (Read 1831 times)

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Offline COmama

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My daughter sleeps like a champ at night, but we can't seem to figure out the nap thing. We have a great routine, and it's not usually too difficult to get her to sleep, but she wakes up after 30 minutes, 45 max for all her naps. She also CANNOT go longer than 2 hours between meals, which is an improvement after every hour prior to reading the book and starting easy. I would love to stretch this to 2.5 hours, and for her naps to be an hour. I try to get her back down after the 30-45 min nap with her binky and swaddle, but no luck so far.

3-4ish am-E,S
930-wakes up fussy, wants to eat
  Can stretch till about 10
12-wakes up hungry, stretch this for a few min
215-wakes up hungry, stretch it again
4-wakes up
5-530-some days we get 30 min nap,
  Other days just very fussy or screaming
  For about an hour or 2
6-E then A
7-E and falls asleep during
930 or 10-dream feed and she sleeps till 3 or 4.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2017, 00:02:24 am by COmama »

Offline jessmum46

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Re: 3 months old, only 2 hours between meals and less than 45 min naps
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2017, 13:51:50 pm »
Hi and welcome to the boards :)  Congratulations on your little one.

Is the routine above a typical day?  Short naps are very common at this age but what I notice is that her first A time is short for her age, only an hour, and then her A times vary from 1h15-2h and possibly up to 3h at the end of the day.  I think it may help to have a rough idea of typical A times at different ages (Average A times- BOOKMARK ME! ) and to have at least one eye on the clock to know when to expect her to need a nap. 

As you can see in the link a typical A time would be about 1h20-30 at 3 months, increasing towards the 2h mark for 4 month olds.  I would start by pushing her to stay awake 10 mins longer in the morning, so aiming for her to be asleep around 1h10 after waking for the day.  Hold that for 3-4 days, and if her naps hasn't lengthened, try for 1h20.  After a short nap expect her to need a sleep slightly sooner than average - say 1h15 rather than 1h30, but if she's had a good nap, aim to get her down again for around 1h30 A time.  On days where she skips the 5pm ish nap don't be scared to put her down for bed early :)

Another thing to consider - does she fall asleep independently yet?  That might be something to work on too if not :)

Offline COmama

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Re: 3 months old, only 2 hours between meals and less than 45 min naps
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2017, 17:07:27 pm »
Hi jessmum46. Thank you! I will try to keep her up a bit longer in the morning and see if it helps. She doesn't yawn much, but usually starts to fuss while playing and then rub her eyes, so I know she is getting tired. If i dont get her down pretty quick, she escalates, then it is hard for her to sleep. Also, she is mostly putting herself to sleep. When she shows signs of being tired, i take her in her room, close the blinds, turn on the sound machine, swaddle her (she usually cries when i do this) pick her up and sing her a song or two till her eyelids get heavy, then put her down in her crib and give her a binky and i leave the room. She either falls asleep right away, or sometimes I have to go replug the binky 3-4 times before she sleeps, but I just walk in shhhh her, give her the binky then walk back out.  I was trying to leave a hand out of the swaddle so she can self sooth by sucking her fingers, but I think sometimes her little hands seem possessed and like to attack her face and wake her up or she startles too bad, so we've gone back to the tight swaddle for naps, she can sleep fine all night with her arms out.

This schedule is pretty typical, though some days she wakes in the middle of the afternoon hungry, eats and goes back to sleep. She has been putting herself to bed early, around 630 some nights too, and it alternates whether I wake her at 8 am or she wakes up on her own then or slightly earlier. Trying to get a good schedule going if possible snice I will be going back to work part time soon. The evening crying is the worst when she doesn't nap!

I am super grateful that she sleeps so well at night, just wish naps were a little easier. I also don't know if there's something else I can do so that she doesn't cry when I swaddle her, she usually stops when I pick her up after, but it seems like a negative association she's having for some reason.

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Re: 3 months old, only 2 hours between meals and less than 45 min naps
« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2017, 14:58:43 pm »
I'm not sure what you can do about the crying when you swaddle her - but getting her down when not UT or OT may well help.  It could just be her way of letting off a bit of steam - after all babies don't really have another way to communicate :)  I wouldn't rush to assume she doesn't like it or is emotionally upset by the situation, she may well just be saying hey I'm tired, let's get this going! :D