Author Topic: EASY routine and A times Help 4 month old  (Read 2278 times)

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EASY routine and A times Help 4 month old
« on: March 12, 2017, 13:08:12 pm »
*I posted this in naps but got no reply yet and then found this forum and think it might be better here :-)

DD will be 4 months on Thursday. Have just recently started EASY with her after she suddenly started doing only short naps.

She also has an egg allergy (Im breastfeeding) which we just realised 2 weeks ago and that made a huge difference in her, so much more settled and content and she started going 7-9 hours between feeds at night (amazing!!)

Still having constant problems with short naps, either 35 or 45 min long.

She can go to sleep herself no problem. She uses a soother and is almost sucking her thumb too so hope to get rid of that soon.

I'm also stuck with her BT routine and don't really have one!

She generally goes 3 hours between breastfeeds sometimes longer, sometimes shorter.

Last week every single nap was 35 mins so I increased A time and now get a mixture of 35 and 45 mins

She's baby no4 so I'm also working around school runs and have a toddler too.

I'm pretty certain its her A times which I have been messing around with but no luck yet. Would really love some advice on A times, BT and what to do after a short nap please and thanks so much!

This was Fridays EASY

E - 8.00

A - 8-9.45  (1hr. 45)

S - 9.46-10.30 (43 mins) Short sleep

A - 10.30-11.05 (35 mins)

E  - 11.05

A - 11.05 - 12.13 (1hr 45 mins in total after a short sleep)

S  - 12.15 - 14.45 ( 2 hrs 30 mins!!!) Couldnt believe it, think it means she does need a much longer A time as this was after a short sleep

E - 14.50

A - 14.50 - 16.35 (1 hr 45 mins)

S - 16.35 - 17.13 (38 mins)

A - 17.15-18.00 (45 mins)

E - 18.00

Generally with all thats going on I don't formally put her down to sleep, she might sleep in the bouncer for a short while then she'll fed again, around 20.30/21.00 last night it was 21.10 and sometimes thats it for 7-9 hours, last night she fed again at 4.30 and 8.00 and was awake a good lot in between.

This was yesterdays/Saturdays routine -

A - 7.45

E - 8.00

A  -  7.45 - 9.30 (1 hr 45mins)

S - 9.30- 10.15 (45 mins)

A 10.15 - 11.07

E - 11.07

A - 11.07-11.50 ( 1hr 40 in total)

S - 11.50-12.40 (48 mins)

A - 12.40- 13.45 (cranky for most of it. nearly fell back asleep herself whilst I dealt with other children)

S - 13.50 - 14.15 (25 mins)  Went to feed her as she was so cranky and it was nearly 3 hours, but she ended up falling asleep in my arms (1 hr 5 mins after she woke up) She woke when I had to put her down to deal with my 2 year old.

E - 14.20

A - 14.20-15.10 She did dose a bit during the feed and was generally fairly cranky and tired.

S - 15.15 - 18.05 (2 hours 55 mins!!!) Yikes probably not good but great she managed another long sleep. I had no idea at all about how long she should be up for as she was so all over the place this afternoon but I knew she was tired so I just put her down and hoped for the best! She gave out a good bit but went off herself within 5 mins or so.

E - 18.10 (3 hours 50 since her last feed)

A- 18.10-20.20 - (2 hrs 10 mins) She was tired and cranky for ages but I didn't know what to do with her routine wise! She needed a bit of patting to go to sleep as well. At this stage its still 1 hour off her likely 3 hour feed time... So I didn't know if I should put her down in the room for the night or not, ended up she slept in her moses basket in the sitting room and I'll put her down after her next feed.

S - 20.20 - 20.50 (30 mins)

E -  21.00

S - 21.50 put to bed in room and she fell off asleep herself in about 10 mins. She didn't feed again until 6am but woke lots of times from 12 midnight and needed a little pat or dummy put back in, settled quickly with same.

And today so far she's had one 35 minute nap, followed by a 1.45 A time and then a 45 minute nap. Feeling very frustrated!

Thanks SO much for reading all of this! Would love any thoughts!
« Last Edit: March 12, 2017, 13:17:36 pm by Mamer3 »

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Re: EASY routine and A times Help 4 month old
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2017, 18:41:51 pm »
Please offer any support on Mamer3's Naps thread here:
Short naps and A Times/EASY routine help please! Nearly 4 month old