My boy is 18 months old. He eats well and has no medical problems. He has always been an early riser but it is gradually getting earlier and is now 5:30. He doesn't seem desperately hungry when he wakes, just ready to get up! After an hour or so he looks tired though so I know it's too early for him.
He dropped his half hour morning nap about a month ago, so is down to one nap a day, from 1pm till 2:30-3pm. I suspect he'd go down at 12:30 but I need to collect my daughter from nursery at 1pm, so it's much easier if he can keep going till then. He's exhausted by bedtime and conks out at 7pm.
He sleeps through most nights, but any suggestions for how I can get him to sleep later in the mornings?? I'm a doctor in A&E so need to be on the ball rather than half asleep!