We just went through the sleep regression about a month ago. She turned 2 a few days ago. We have just transitioned her to a big girl bed. She goes to sleep at bedtime in about half an hour with daddy laying with her. But naptime is horrible. She will play & fight naps, no matter what we do for 1-2 hours. Then it's too late for a nap. IF she falls asleep, we have to wake her up & it's only been 15 min. I cannot do this anymore. Here's what is SUPPOSED TO BE her routine:
WU: 9
N: 215
WU: 345
BT: 1015
Here's what we're ACTUALLY doing, due to no nap:
WU: 9
Fight about nap: 2-4
BT: 9
I know that's a super late bedtime, but when she wakes up at 9 or later, it's hard to force her to be tired any earlier. Do we push naptime out 15 min? Do we all wake up earlier & get her up in the morning? I'm at a loss & can't keep dealing with an OT toddler who will not nap.