Author Topic: HELP! 7.5 mo old night wakings!  (Read 1172 times)

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Offline Rauchla

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HELP! 7.5 mo old night wakings!
« on: September 26, 2017, 13:04:05 pm »
Ladies, I need your help, I am at my wits end! This is our 2nd and we did Baby Whisperer with both kids. She is BF and has been sleeping through the night since 3 mos with a DF. A little over a week ago I began to wean her from the DF as the book suggests and it was going fine until I got to 9:30. Then she started waking up an hour to two hours later and not going back to sleep. She would be restless and wake up every 15-20 mins, potentially for the rest of the night with a few longer periods here and there. Side note, she is small, just recently made it to 13.5 lbs, she is really mobile, crawls, pulls to standing and tries to climb everything, she has no teeth and may be cutting a few right now. So I am at a loss as to what is going on with the sleep, but I do know it also could be all transitional developmental things. So now we are over a week into her not sleeping through the night and I'm exhausted. We have not done probably a week of double night feedings (the opposite of weaning the DF!!!!) and I'm scared she is now expecting two. Below is her schedule:

7:30 wake and BF
8:30 solids
9:30-10 nap - depending and when she is tired - always sleeps  over and hour sometimes 2
11:30 BF
12:30 solids
1:30 nap sleeps 1.5-2 hours most of the time
3:30 BF
6 solids
7 BF and bedtime routine
7:30-8 asleep

She puts herself to sleep for naps and bedtime, although bedtime sometimes takes longer and needs some PU/PD. The last few days she has woken somewhere between 11-12 and won't go back down for about an hour.HELP!!!

Offline ginger428

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Re: HELP! 7.5 mo old night wakings!
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2017, 00:20:43 am »
Hi there and apologies that no one has responded sooner! Hugs as I know that mobile phase is TOUGH.

First thing I notice is that her awake times are a bit shorter than the average for her age (2.75-3hrs)... Is she showing clear signs she is tired at 9:30? It might be worth moving this nap to 10:00 to start, then aiming for 10:30 within a week.  On the other hand, her last awake time to bed is too long and she might be OT by the time she goes to bed, which can cause wakes within 3 hrs of sleeping. Also, her nap lengths are great but for her, it might be too much and causing those long nws at night.  Hard to tell though because she is also going through physical development which causes them to stay awake at night, too.  I would first rule out the routine before capping the naps...

I would aim for this routine and give it a good 5 days to see if the NWs sort itself out...
WU 7:30
Nap 10:30-12:00
Nap 3:00-4:30 (or 3 hrs after wu from am nap)
BT 7:30/8:00 (at least 3 hrs after wu from pm nap)
« Last Edit: October 04, 2017, 00:22:51 am by ginger428 »