Author Topic: EASY gone wonky  (Read 1189 times)

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EASY gone wonky
« on: August 07, 2017, 21:17:35 pm »
Hi there,
We just came back from several weeks away... and it was quite warm where we were vacationing.  While on vacation, my 8 month old and I got into the habit of breast feeding before he went down for his nap (often he was breast fed to sleep). 
I have a feeling that this would be concidered accidental parenting, but I rationalized that he was not drinking much when he woke up (as he was too excited by everything)  and he might need some further hydration (before drifting off to sleep because it was rather warm outside and he was thirsty).
We have been home two days now... and his naps are a disaster.
I read in the trip section that when returning from trips one should realize that things will be different and that this may kickstart a new sleep routine.
He is really fighting when I try to get him down to sleep.
I have tried breast feeding him, but unless he is absolutely exhausted, this seems to stimulate him. I imagine I should try to cease feeding him before sleep... but can you explain why (so I can justify it to myself).
I try to do my PUPD, but when he is in my arms he often still screams and tries to lean towards his bed, but when I put him down while he is fighting, this seems to further insite him.
Generally his A times are around 3:30.
PLease give me your feedback, I will be grateful.
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Offline LaraAndrea

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Re: EASY gone wonky
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2017, 22:06:51 pm »
Well my LO is only 10 months old and I have frequented this board for help on many occasions so I can't say I am an expert, but I have found that most of my sleep related issues have been fixed with adjustments to AT.

3.5h is right smack in the middle of avg AT for that age. It is possible that he is ready for an AT increase.

As for the breastfeeding to sleep, I think all BF mothers have done it at one time or another. I think your situation is a perfect example of AP, but is really only an issue if baby cannot fall asleep without feeding.

I personally APOP my LO 2nd nap (2-1 transition) but she falls asleep on her own for other nap so I don't worry much about it.

What does your EASY routine look like right now?