My lb is now 13 weeks and bottle fed, we have now moved to 3.5/4 hour cycle which he is happy with:
7am, 10.45ish, 2.30ish, split last bottle 6/7pm, then DF at approx 10.45pm.
He is asleep by 7.30/8pm and seems happy not to take a bottle until 7am. HOWEVER, he will wake in the night from 3am (usually about 5am) but will generally go back to sleep if I can give him his dummy and muslin. This can happen several times in the night - he is not crying to feed but i know he will accept if offered!! I haven't NF in a week as he is getting up to 35oz in the day the bottles are now 7oz and he is satisfied.
Are we going the right way or should I still be offering the NF when he wakes? I am just conscious that if I do, we will be going backwards and the day feeds will be lighter... any advice?