My nearly 8 month old daughter used to be a dream sleeper -- I started EASY at 3 months, she found her thumb at 3.5, and by the time she stopped using her fingers to soothe herself she was already able to be put down wide awake for all of her naps and night time. However, within the last couple of weeks, naps and night have gradually gotten harder and harder and she's nearly impossible to soothe - she wails in my arms, wails in the crib, and I can't do a shush-pat because she moves away so much. She can sit up, crawl, and is starting to pull herself up, which is making it even harder. At night, I almost always have to breastfeed her to sleep to get her back down -- my husband has about an 40% success rate, if that. We've been trying to space out her night feedings to be at least 4 hours. She'll often have a 4 hour stretch or more, but if she wakes up earlier, it's a disaster.
Here's an average day:
E/Wake: 6:45
A: 6:45-8:45
S: Failed nap at 8:45, despite showing signs of tiredness (rubbing eyes, etc). Needs to be reset because she gets so worked up, and maybe naps by 9:30/10 for about an hour.
E: 10:30
A: 10:30-12:30
S: Same story -- failed nap despite seeming tired, finally asleep around 1:30/2 for an hour or so.
E: 3:00
A: 3-15-6:30 -- she's tired by 4:30, won't catnap.
S: 6:30
She's eating a ton of solids and has teeth. We've pretty much ruled out teething -- medicine makes no difference.