Author Topic: almost 14 mo - still not sleeping .. and screaming ;(  (Read 1745 times)

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Offline Margarita90

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almost 14 mo - still not sleeping .. and screaming ;(
« on: October 02, 2017, 13:12:00 pm »
 I have to say, that our baby is killing us.. we are so tired that we stop thinking about having any other children.. This is so sad..we need some help

 When our baby was born he had colic, couldn't lie on his back, he was so in pain that couldn't sleep on his own. We used all medicines and then dietitian told us that is cows milk allergy so I had to be on special diet to breastfeed him. It was very hard period with many sleepless nights. Finally around 8-9 mo he started to be better. In meantime I stopped breastfeed and he is on special milk for prescription.
 Then I found Tracy's book and we were trying to do everything as she wrote. He slept suddenly all nights -straight away after 1-2 days of starting Easy method ( he is fast learner) etc. He slept properly 2 or 3 weeks , but of course sth changed, like he was growing and teething and sick and we had holiday so everything went again to bad way and we started to bottle feed again - during nights:(

 When He finish 1 year we put him to other room. We were thinking maybe our sleeping noise is waking up him. So it helps a little. We helped him to get used to new room and we slept in his new room one week. Then was better ( 1-2 wake up) and then he had vaccine (immunisation) and started to be sick more often and in mean time he started nursery (one month ago) and catches everything.
So our habits went really to wrong direct. He was waking up million times during night to suck the bottle with milk. So on 22.09 I said stop. And we stopped giving him bottle during night. Of course first night was horrible but next he got used to. (he is fast learner) and was all right two nights
AND He started to scream sometimes and waking up for live and play at 4.30 and scream so loudly. not every night this happened so I found out that he is teething ( 3rd and 4th ones). So again sth changed. As usual.

BUT strange thing it possible that he is teething only at nights??  we gave him for example last night paracetamol etc but he still woke up many times with scream.. so really don't know how to help him..
And again as usually - lately - he woke up and got up around 4:30 with big scream.. and didn't stop until (or I switch on the light and let him play and live or give him bottle, or give him daddy who needs go to work very early so he cant help often) so I'm trying every day keep him in bed trying to calm him down with his scream until 6am ..then switch on light - he is then all right and dress him up go downstairs and give him bottle with milk around 7. He is like in heaven then and he is drinking his bottle soooo slowly( when we fed him at nights he drunk in morning 2 minutes only 30ml and now (since more than one week of no milk at nights)  he is drinking 200 ml in the morning, per half hour and often is very sleepy in light living room with music and me walking around - so I presume that he was dreaming about it from 4am.
 He is very hungry baby..( as his father) so I feed him all day as much as possible. He eats veggi and fruits, meat etc without a problems ( cause we didn't give him sweets). He is full of food allergies ( all berries, citruses, milk and others) so we have to be really careful. But I can see when is his stomach in pain..and now is not that..

If its teething problem why only on nights and medicines not help..if he is missing to his milk, we didn't give up from Friday 22.09 and we didn't give him at night...  This scream is so loud and horrible but during the day ev is fine. ( he has runny nose at the minute) He is very smiley baby, full of energy and he love other kids and messy playing... started to walk lately and loves exploring the world. When he drunk his milk before 22.09 at nights he was waking up often but we didn't need to do a lot. . just give him bottle or sing or say: shhhhh and was all right.

Our routine is:

7:00 bottle with milk
(8:00 leave him in nursery)
8:30 breakfast
11:30 lunch
12:00 (around) sleep (usually 1,5h) ( Id like to 2,5h but he doesn't want)
15:00 dinner
(around 15:30 pick him up from nursery)
(and he still wants to eat so we give him)
17:30 supper
18:30 bath and all routine
19:00-19:30 bottle with milk and fall asleep without any problems

and then.... all night is horrible..

Apart of any teething problems ( his previous teeth were coming only one per 1 night and without any fever or anything)
and apart his missing to milk so many days ( he usualy needs 1-2 days to get use to sth so this is strange) , maybe we should change his bottle to special munchkin cup and give him milk before bed? ( we tried give him bottle before bed so he fall asleep at didn't work) Cause he is drinking water from water bottle and from this cup during the day...
Or maybe we shouldn't be at his room when he is falling asleep but we are there in silent and he can't see us but we wait in quiet when he will finish his bottle and we take him to "recoil" after drink and we put him back. (if we don't do this he will recoil during the dream and he will wake up anyway.)
Or maybe sth else..

any advise....?

Offline becj86

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Re: almost 14 mo - still not sleeping .. and screaming ;(
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2017, 19:42:01 pm »
He's likely overtired. He probably needs a longer night if he can't nap longer or have a catnap. Would he do a short nap when you get him home? I'd go for a bedtime of 6:30 instead of 7:30 and see if that helps - catnaps can be a problem at this age. That 4am waking sounds like OT and he just doesn't know how to get himself back to sleep. It could be that he's cold - just mentioning it because I've spent weeks trying to sort a routine and then realised LO was cold.

That said, teething can be part of it - its less of an issue in the day because baby is distracted but at night, it feels worse because there's less to think about.

Offline Margarita90

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Re: almost 14 mo - still not sleeping .. and screaming ;(
« Reply #2 on: October 04, 2017, 09:22:41 am »
Thank you.
I put him a little earlier into night sleep. Its hard to have a catnap in nursery in loudly place.. and in the evening he is so happy to see us that he doesn't want any nap.

After appointment with doctor, when I was sure that nothing is wrong with his health and excluded other things, like teething cause he is eating properly. I decided to do sth with this scream. Cause hugs and other things didn't help so I checked other method.

When he woke up again at 4 and shouted in fury  ( I was sure that He wanted his milk bottle) I was sitting next to his cot and I was singing a song in the same volume and didn't look at him. After a 20-30 minutes of fury he lied down to his pillow and he fall asleep.For 2 minutes. Didn't work for first time so again started from the beginning and after next 30 minutes he fall asleep it was his mood this time.

And yesterday in the evening and at night I did the same with his scream. (woke up only 2 times :)
And today he woke up at 5.30 with great mood and happy to live.. Maybe...maybe will be better ( but I don't expect a miracle that he will sleep all his nights..but still..maybe he will not be shouting..)
And still don't know if he should drink his bottle in the evening before sleep.. if we tried to give him earlier in sofa..he fall asleep in sofa.. so he will fall asleep with bottle any time. When is proper time for a cup..

Offline becj86

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Re: almost 14 mo - still not sleeping .. and screaming ;(
« Reply #3 on: October 04, 2017, 19:45:01 pm »
And still don't know if he should drink his bottle in the evening before sleep..
If you're not doing it already, now is a good time to start to move the bottle to a cup of milk and brush teeth before bed. Its recommended to stop bottles around 12 months I think.

What time are you giving him a bottle on the sofa before bed? That may well be a reasonable BT for him, I've seen toddlers this age sleep a 13hr night regularly when they go to one relatively short nap early on.

I wonder if what you're seeing is night terrors: Does it seem like he's aware you're there when you go in?

Offline Margarita90

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Re: almost 14 mo - still not sleeping .. and screaming ;(
« Reply #4 on: October 05, 2017, 08:24:48 am »
Thank you for your advice. I read carefully this but no. My child doesn't have this for sure:)
Yeah, we need to slowly go to the cup..  If you are saying that now is proper age..

Offline becj86

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Re: almost 14 mo - still not sleeping .. and screaming ;(
« Reply #5 on: October 05, 2017, 19:41:33 pm »
Yes, this is the recommended age and if he'll take enough milk in with a cup, now is a good time to switch.