Author Topic: Please help with EW for 5mo  (Read 1336 times)

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Offline Kellyjs

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Please help with EW for 5mo
« on: October 11, 2017, 05:31:24 am »
Hello lovely ladies,

Having a bit of a nightmare with DS - 5mo 3weeks (need a new ticker!).  For the last month we are seriously battling EW. Some days I can get him back to sleep again but it taking well over an hour for a one sleep cycle sleep   ::). I cannot get back to sleep which I know is my issue, but I'm not getting to spend any time with DH as I'm so shattered.

He doesn't appear to be teething, dribbling but has been doing that a while now. Solids not started yet. Definitely an angel/textbook but can handle long, long A times comfortably without whinging.

The ew just start with him rolling over (he's a tummy sleeper). I roll him back and place a hand in his back and ssh. Leave him to it as he's not upset. Return to his tummy and repeat if necessary. Will try and drop back off to sleep like this morning but jolts awake. Must've happened 20+ times this morning. Once crying starts I will ssh/rub. It is more of a frustrated cry. Keep him in bed until 6am minimum. He has been awake since 4.30am.

Rest of the day will go like this:

E 7am 7oz formula
A today will count from 6am 3hrs
S 9am in carrier. 1.5-2hrs I walk in the morning after dropping DD off at school
E 11.20 ish 8oz
A 3hrs
S 2pm-2.40 he wakes but I would have to to collect DD from school.
E 3.30pm 7oz
S (if I'm lucky, really resists this nap) 5.30-6 (yesterday he woke, but normally I'd cap it)
A bath
E 8oz
BT 7/7.15pm latest. Always settles well.
DF 10.30pm
Sleeps through until ew

Now I know we're in the 3-2 and ideally I'd move that 2pm nap later but we can't just yet until he can wait until after the school run which might take a little while. We do also have to come straight home so can't really give him a car nap.

I have stalled the first nap to 9.30am like yesterday as I had an appt but he was still desperate to get to sleep even though I did manage to resettle the EW yesterday with an eventual WU of 6.30. So I'm thinking 3hrs should still be his ideal first A? Given it hasn't helped he EW today?

I'd love some eyes on this please, I did think I'd be better at this this time round given the modding time and also my obsession about DDs sleep  ::).

Thanks so much in advance xx

Offline ginger428

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Re: Please help with EW for 5mo
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2017, 19:46:49 pm »
Hi Kelly!

So, I was thinking the same... that the pm nap and CN might be throwing his sleep off. First, bc the pm nap might not be long enough, and the CN being so close to BT.  I know it's really tough to navigate sleep with an older sibling in the mix... the only thing I can think of doing is to possibly put him down slightly earlier at 1:30/45, then wake when needed for pickup.  If he doesn't sleep longer here, then cap the CN to 20 mins.

I agree with you that we want am nap to be closer to 9:30, but it's really tough when they're waking so early! For those times he's up so early, around 4/5, I would give him a 15 min CN around 7:30, then put down as usual around 9:30.  I had to do this too when DS was younger and going through nap transitions. Otherwise, with a Wu of 6 or later, stick with the 9/9:30 nap time.

Offline Kellyjs

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Re: Please help with EW for 5mo
« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2017, 18:08:53 pm »
Thanks so much for the reply Hun, I really appreciate it. I thought I'd have time to work on this today, however I forgot about DD's orthoptic appt.

So today he woke at 5, changed his nappy as it was soiled. And pd. think he went back to sleep. Lovey given to him at 6 and he was quiet until I went in at 6.50am for WU. Don't think he was asleep there though. He had a nap in the car on the way to the appt at 10.15am for 35mins. Then a tiny sleep on the way back at 12.40 for 10 mins. Then we went for a walk from 1pm-3pm where he slept the entire way. Cut out the CN and had him in bed for 6.15pm asleep at 6.30pm. Well see what tonight brings. Was hoping for an earlier BT but I had parents evening too 😩  Goodness me, it was soooo much easier with only one to contend with.. if I knew  me what I know now and all that 😂 

I'm going to try for your routine tomorrow Hun and see what happens. Im dubious about the shorter A time as he is just so prone to UT naps like DD, but I'll always give it a go! I hate nap transition times. I know the 2-1 is worse but still  ::). One would hope I don't make the same mistakes 😜  Xx

Offline ginger428

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Re: Please help with EW for 5mo
« Reply #3 on: October 16, 2017, 14:29:03 pm »
Oooh, hoping he has a great night!!!

Eek, I'm preparing myself as I'm expecting a second. The school runs, activities, and such with an infant is overwhelming to think about... let alone figuring out naps eventually. 

Yes, nap transitions are really rough... it always was with us, too. Wishing you the best dear! xo