Hi! I'm also having trouble with naps with my 8 week old who's been on EASY since 2 weeks old.
She sleeps well at night but seems to be a chronic cat napper during the day, naps only last 30-45 mins since she was born.
In the past 2 weeks after discovering BW, I have tried shush-patting her back to sleep when she wakes from her naps- this has worked 4 or 5 times but the majority of the time she just lies there awake and coo-ing happily with eyes wide open, she can't seem to get back to sleep after the first sleep cycle. Our nap routine consist of a dark room, white noise and 4S
I have also tried the wake to sleep method without success.
This is a sample of our daily routine:
E First wake at 5am them back to sleep
EA 8.30 am
S 10 am
1100 wake, shush pat for 30min while awake entire time
EA 11.30
S 1245
130 wake, shush pat for 45 min while awake entire time
EA 215 - tired & yawning after 1 hr AT
S 315, woke 4, shush pat for 45 min while awake entire time
E 445, grumpy so short AT
S 5, woke again at 545, AT
Bath 630
E 7pm start bedtime routine
Asleep at 9pm
Night feed at 10pm, 1am, 5am
Should I accept that she a chronic cat napper, and go with a 2-2.5 hour EASY, or shall I keep persisting trying to drag naps out? I feel like I'm missing out some play time with her as I feel i'm always in the dark room shush-patting a wide awake baby.
Thanks in advance!