Author Topic: 10month old early morning wakings  (Read 5067 times)

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Re: 10month old early morning wakings
« Reply #15 on: November 18, 2017, 11:34:01 am »
Thanks becj86! Last few days he's happily napped for 1.5hrs in the afternoon, but I always have to wake him from it as I'm worried if he sleeps too much later he won't go to sleep (mostly because he's taking ages for settling down for that nap so falls asleep later than I'd hoped). I'm making the morning nap 45mins now, so he's not getting as much day time sleep as I'd like but this morning although he stirred at 5:21, he went straights back to sleep until 6:45am which is an improvement, so I'm going to stick with this for a few days and see how we do. He's going down to sleep at night about 7:45pm and is falling asleep pretty quickly so it seems to be working despite his last A time being very short (2-2.5hrs).

Any tips for waking up a sleeping baby without making them upset? He hates being woken up from his morning nap, but I have to do it as otherwise he'd sleep for over 2hours! I try and do it gently but he almost always ends up crying until we get downstairs and he realises his lunch is all ready for him!

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Re: 10month old early morning wakings
« Reply #16 on: November 18, 2017, 20:55:11 pm »
I found if I waited for DS to stir (sleep cycle transition), he would wake much happier.

I presume you're doing short AM / long PM because he's completely refusing the second nap?

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Re: 10month old early morning wakings
« Reply #17 on: November 19, 2017, 18:57:27 pm »
but I did a purposely OT nap
That's the first time I've heard of this, thanks for jumping in and sharing :)

Offline Hoofbeat

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Re: 10month old early morning wakings
« Reply #18 on: November 23, 2017, 16:40:23 pm »
I presume you're doing short AM / long PM because he's completely refusing the second nap?
No he hasn't been completely refusing the second nap, although it had become more difficult. I switched to a short AM nap because of the early wakings as I'd read before that can help. Also, with him now not napping until gone 11am in the mornings, I didn't want him to have a really late lunch (or even miss lunch at nursery). I've managed to switch him around fine and generally the EWs have disappeared (hurrah!). The only downside now is having to wake him from the AM nap. I try and wait for him to come into lighter sleep, but he's still never happy about being woken - I think he just likes his sleep like his Mum and Dad! I've taken to waking him really slowly and gently and then taking him straight downstairs for lunch (and changing him after lunch) because once he realises its lunch time he generally cheers up!

Offline Hoofbeat

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Re: 10month old early morning wakings
« Reply #19 on: November 23, 2017, 16:44:13 pm »
Hi there...
I have a feeling this is a developmental phase and that soon he'll be back to a normal routine.  We had a ton of sleep disturbance around this age.  He seems like a very independent sleeper before this, so I'm inclined to think his brain and body are in high gear as is the case during wonder weeks... periods of active and major developments.

It does sound OT is creeping in.  When we had such early morning WUs along with disturbed nights, I didn't cap morning nap and capped the PM nap for a couple days. Like your instinct is telling you, I would probably let him nap as long as he needs for a couple days, then reassess.  We had to toggle back and forth from short am/long pm to long am/short pm for a little while when things seemed off. 

Any signs of teeth? If so and you're willing to medicate, I would do it 30 min before bed, and for us... bc it sleep got so bad, I also medicated for the first nap so that he would sleep better and be rested for the rest of the day. And in the thick of it, I gave a dose around 3am-4am bc I knew if it was bothering him, he'd be really fussy between 4-6am.  But please note that I had major signs of teething... red cheeks, drooling, swollen and red gums, bulging gums, etc... And mine seemed extra sensitive to the teething pressure. Lots of fussing and crying.
Hi Ginger, I'm sorry I didn't see your message before! Changing his naps has helped mostly, though I am finding he does still wake early sometimes, has a quick grumble and then falls back asleep which I can live with! I'm hoping it is developmental as he's only been crawling a few weeks, is obsessed with learning to climb and standing and I think he is just thinking about all those things all the time! He has been going through a leap (only 2 days left thankfully) which probably isn't helping. He already has 6 teeth (had them for months!) but does always seem to be teething although I can't see any obvious teeth (I'm expecting 2 more on the bottom as he has 4 on the top, but only his middle two on the bottom). I don't think giving him calpol before bed would help, as he sleeps like a rock as soon as he's asleep, it was just the EWs that were the problem.

Fingers crossed we've made progress now and he seems to be coping well on a 45min nap in the morning and either 1.5-2hrs in the afternoon.

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Re: 10month old early morning wakings
« Reply #20 on: November 29, 2017, 19:40:50 pm »
No worries... glad it's working out!  :D