We have three boys, the two in question are 4 and 2.5 and they have been sharing a room for the past 4 months. Bedtimes are awful! They used to be so lovely when each boy was in his own room. We would have bath time and stories, then we'd tuck each boy into bed and sing him a song and off he'd drift to sleep. It was a bedtime full of love and gentleness.
Now that they're sharing a room it is horrific by comparison! They ramp each other up during bath time, they briefly quiet during story time and then it cranks back up as soon as they lie down in their beds. 80% of the time my husband or myself have to go in multiple times to read them the riot act and get them to stop talking. Their 6 week baby brother sleeps next door and because our house is 55 yrs old, you can hear a fair amount between the walls. They have occasionally woken him because they're being so loud.
How can we bring our loving, gentle bedtimes back. This breaking our hearts and spirits.