our DD was never a great napper, but we got to 3 yo with naps. she has now stopped napping completely. She is clearly tired and yet she doesnt fall asleep. We stay with a quiet time instead for 1-1.5 hr to at least give her an option of falling asleep (or rest), which often ends up with her being angry at me not talking/engaging with her (at first i kept leaving her room, but as she started destroying things, i decided to stay with her every nap time). she dropped the nap same day we stopped her sucking the finger (and i appreciate its a tough change)
her routine is
wake up 7
going to nap at 1:30
sleep 7
while she sleeps through the night, i can see she is getting very tired by 6,sometimes naughty. and she has been getting to sleep with a little more difficulty and getting up a bit earlier with evry day. i feel like she needs a nap, and of course i need some rest time too.
should i keep the quiet time? how to actually make it quieter so that she can relax/go to sleep when she is tired. did i push her nap time out too far or should i push it out more?