Hello! I have a 37 week (8 and 1/2 month old) ds. We’ve been on easy since birth. Our routine has never been the same but every day we follow the pattern eat, activity sleep. He had been sleeping through the night until he got sick. After that he lost his appetite making him wake up at night for feedings. He’s also been going through separation anxiety which has made him get very anxious around nap time as well as bed time. I still keep our nap and bed time routines so he knows what’s coming next. But I keep having trouble getting him to sleep. His naps have been erratic for the last few days, reversing to 40 minute naps making him very ot. I try giving him an earlier bedtime but for the last couple of days it has taking me more than 2 hours to help him fall asleep. He cries till no end and I am loosing my mind in the process. Nothing works, no matter how many times I try pu/pd, patting his back or just laying my hand. He falls asleep and wakes 10 minutes later and after a couple of times of that I loose him and two hours later of trying everything I have ended up breastfeeding him to sleep. I am afraid of accidental parenting!!!!! But I have nothing else to try. Please help!!!
Also how long do you thing his a time should be around this age?
Our routine today went pretty much like this:
6:50 wake and bf
8:00 solids
9:50 nap
10:30 wake and bf
12:00 solids
1:15 nap
2:30 wake and bf
4:30 solids
5:00 bath
5:15 bf
5:30 bedtime
2 hours of crying
7:30 asleep with bf