Author Topic: 4.5 months waking always same time / eating  (Read 2503 times)

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Offline Maria1987

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4.5 months waking always same time / eating
« on: February 25, 2018, 01:06:16 am »
Hello everyone, we write here from Italy so I apologize if I write with some mistake.
I will try to be as clear and simple as possibile.
Olivia has 4,5months, she always had good sleep during the night with 7hours sleep.
She followed easy since 1months and everything was going well.
As soon as she went 4months she starting waking up during the night very frequently we thought it was growth spurt, but now she still wakes up every single night at 3am. She do not search for milk, but she cry a lot, so sometime I give her some milk to calm her down. Then she wakes up at 5/5.30 am and again to calm down I give her some milk. In this way, she is not hungry for  the 210m bottle she should eat at 8am, changing our routine for the day.
I thought it could be eating problem but I always give her the goodnight milk, she never finish it.
This is her routine (considering that in these 2weeks she changed a bit)
8.00 am wake up and eat 210ml
9.30-10.15 sleep
10.30 1/2 pear or apple
11or 11.30-12 or 12/15 sleep
12.30 eat 210ml
15.00 1/2 pear or apple
15.30 sleep ideally for 1.5hour
17.00 210 milk
19.00 bath and goodnight preparing
20.00 210milk
23.30 210milk (always remaining 50ml).
Now I would like to understand:
 - how can I make her sleep all night considering that she eats goodnight milk
   (We tried to wake up her 1h prior her usual wake up but this didn’t help)
 - how can I make her sleep from 17to 19 even for 30mins since I read it is important  for her to sleep in this time of the day
 - do I need to change her milk quantity at 5or 8pm?
I tried to give as many information as possibile
Thank you for your help!!!

Offline becj86

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Re: 4.5 months waking always same time / eating
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2018, 08:43:24 am »
8.00 am wake up and eat 210ml9.30-10.15 sleep
I think part of the problem is that your baby needs to be awake longer before she has a nap. She could go 2hr or perhaps a little more before a nap and she should then nap longer than 45min. I think if you can do that for her, the catnap won't matter so much.

Here is some information about why babies wake at night.
I think a major issue here is the daytime routine and once that's sorted out, the night issues may get better but if not, we can think about some other changes that might help.