Author Topic: Almost 6 months waking 2-3x  (Read 2534 times)

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Offline Girlstar28

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Almost 6 months waking 2-3x
« on: March 11, 2018, 10:08:38 am »
I’m having trouble with my almost 6 month old.  She can self settle for naps and bedtime, in bed awake and falls asleep.  she is EBF won’t take a bottle for her life.  She naps 3x a day well and isn’t OT or overdoing night time sleep.

Still wakes about every 3 hours in the night.  She has demonstrated getting through the night one one feed a handful of times but not many.  If I feed her she does go back to bed pretty drowsy falls asleep as soon as I lay her back in her crib.

My husband won’t go in and reassure her and is stubborn and just says “she’s hungry go feed her” so I’m pretty much alone on this.  I’ve read partners should be the ones going In so they know they can’t get milk.  Another can of worms he’s just frustrating me saying she’s hungry and bullying me to feed her.  Her doctor cleared her at 4 months to start training and doesn’t need to be fed at night. 

I get nervous she’ll wake my 2.5 year old next door and have a sound machine in the hall.

Any tips how to get her to drop to one feed?  I’m okay wiTh one bi 2-3 is ok many.  She’s been up for bearing an hour now and I’ve been trying to train her for the past week and we aren’t getting anywhere in the middle of the night and I’m up for an hour or more hoping she’ll resettle and she doesn’t so I end up feeding her and being extremely angry in the mornings/following day due to my lack of sleep and frustration.  She has a lovey.

I can handle one night waking to feed if she’s hungry but at her age and weight gain she doesn’t need more than that and her doctor concurs

General schedule
W 7-7:30
Nap 1 9/9:30-11
Nap 2 1/1:30-2:30/3
Nap 3 4:30-5
Bedtime 7-7:30

Wakes 10-11
Wakes 2-3
Wakes 5
« Last Edit: March 11, 2018, 10:12:23 am by Girlstar28 »

Offline eva026

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Re: Almost 6 months waking 2-3x
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2018, 19:25:40 pm »
Lots, if not most, ebf babies still need NF at this age. Breast milk digests much faster than formula.
My DD2 only dropped to 2 NF after she finished 7mo and her sister kept 2 NF till almost 1y then dropped both almost at the same time. 3 are frustrating and tiring, I know, but if she’s hungry then feed her.
You can get your DH involved by having him do a dream feed by bottle, that way you only have to get up for 2 NF. I usually pump in the morning while DD1 is having breakfast and again just after DD2 goes to sleep, that gives me a bottle that DH feeds. When she was on 3nf I did BT, then a df breast feed at 10pm as I went to bed, DH took the next feed by bottle and I did feed no3.

Offline becj86

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Re: Almost 6 months waking 2-3x
« Reply #2 on: March 12, 2018, 08:46:37 am »
Hi, agree with Eva - its perfectly normal for a baby this age to be feeding 2-3 times per night, though it is on the high end of normal.

I have a suspicion that if she was on a daytime routine more suitable for a nearly-6mo than a 4mo, she may sleep better at night... have a read of this:

Here's some information about why babies might wake at night: