I have read everything but cannot seem to find what has worked for anyone surrounding this topic.
I work from home and generally get up at 5 before the kids wake to do some work. I also rely on them going to bed before 7.30 so I can work in the evenings. I love my DS's 2 hour nap because it gives me 2 hours with my 3 y/o DD!
Ever since DS dropped to 1 nap it has been game over...
The last 3 weeks his routine looks like this;
WU 5.30
NAP 12 - 2
I've experimented with putting him down earlier for Bed and he just resists it. He wakes crying from naps and night sleep - never talking to himself like his big sister did. I tried leaving him to mantra cry in the morning, but he can do this for 2 hours and doesn't go back off.
Should I adjust the nap? HELP!
THankful for any advice you can give x