What was LO doing a month ago night-wise? What's changed?
I think you could give him a little increase in A time of ~15mins, that may help but I suspect its something to do with this feeding.
Is super easy to put down for bed...but then he can hardly go 3 hours between wake ups! It's killing me! During the day he can go 4 hours between feeds.
I'm going to call you on this one - nowhere in either of those two days you posted did your LO go even close to 4hr between feeds except between the last night feed at 3:45am and the first feed of the day at 8:10 - 4:25 by my calculation. He is feeding frequently through the day.
Times between feeds are:
4:25 (long stretch is after last NF and leading up to first feed of the day)
From what I can see, your LO is waking at reasonably regular intervals at night for feeds which may well be reasonable for him based on his size, metabolism, etc.
I think he may be snacking through the day and taking a lot of milk at night - maybe that's why he's not terribly hungry first thing in the morning. I think also that 8.5oz EBM at bedtime is a massive bottle of EBM. Have a read of this:
https://kellymom.com/bf/pumpingmoms/pumping/milkcalc/ My thoughts re: feeding are:
- You could keep feeding 'on demand' as it appears you are currently doing. I don't know what would change or when.
- You could feed on WU and put LO down for a nap without feeding when he's cuing for a feed 15mins before nap time (some babies look for food when they're tired). I suspect at least part of this might be that he rarely ever seems to go to sleep without a feed reasonably soon beforehand. I think if you were to do this, I'd reduce the BT bottle the night before you plan to start this so he's more likely to take more milk through the day.
- You could feed when he wakes and then 45min or so later so he's had a top-up and you can be confident he's not ravenous at nap time. You can then gradually reduce the time between main feed and top-up to consolidate feeds as he tolerates that which should reduce snacking.
Wondering why you're offering such a large bottle of EBM at BT? Is there a supply or weight gain concern? Have you taken guidance on volume from a mum who formula feeds?