Author Topic: Is this the nap drop coming?  (Read 1252 times)

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Is this the nap drop coming?
« on: March 14, 2018, 19:43:22 pm »
Hi, my littly always goes down like clockwork for her nap straight after lunch and generally has an hour, any more and she’s a nightmare at bedtime. However, these past few need guys she’s been taking ages to settle at bedtime and still wakes her normal time in the morning. We’ve been waking her at an hour if she’s still asleep as she would sleep on. Do people think it’s more routine than need for the nap now? She’s 2.5, will be 3 in August. X

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Re: Is this the nap drop coming?
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2018, 19:03:14 pm »
I tended to see a sleep disturbance at every birthday and half birthday, developmental leaps disturbing the routine and there being fussing at BT or less sound sleep etc. Usually it passed.  it could be that? I usually just mo0ved BT later so that we didn't have as long with the fussing around and then when the phase passed went back to the normal routine.
Or it could be that the nap needs to be shortened.  If you feel this is the case then perhaps cut it another 15 mins?
You might need an earlier BT with a shorter nap.