My DD2 will be turning 19 months next week. This is the routine we have been following since she was 14/15 months, although I think she could have been on this earlier.
WU 6-6:30
Nap 12:30
BT 7pm (usually asleep at 7:30)
Her nap length has varied greatly during this time. At first she would sleep for about an hour and a half but need resettling at some point during her nap but hardly ever for longer than this. Then for a while she was doing roughly an hour and a half on her own. Now for a good month or so she tends to nap for just and hour or an hour and 15 mins. Occasionally we have had 45 min naps.
Although her naps are short she tends to manage in this, I think her sleep needs are on the low side. I'm aware of the 18 month sleep regression and she also is teething canines at the moment so I've left things as they are just to see if we can ride through it. However, for the last 4/5 days we have consistently been having early wakes at around 5 am. Her sleep needs are quite low and I'm wondering if it's time to think about pushing her nap until later and if so by how much? Due to the school run I'd prefer her not to wake any later than 2:30 pm. Also she seems to like to have a long A time before bed so I don't want the nap to affect this either.
Does anyone have any thoughts?