Author Topic: To sleepy for A time! Help!  (Read 1665 times)

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To sleepy for A time! Help!
« on: August 04, 2018, 05:23:39 am »
Hi, I’m new here, so happy to have found this forum!
My 6 week old boy has been on EASY for 3 or so weeks, he sleeps well at night but naps are all over the show. I’m implementing as many of the BW techniques as possible but I think my issue is he is just so sleepy after a feed I can’t get A time in, which has a knock in effect for the rest of the routine (I also feet feed-sleep association forming). As evening approaches he is more alert after feeds (but still sleeps well after A time), it’s the first 2 or 3 naps of the day he is so sleepy.
I’ve tried sitting him up, massaging his hands, but he just sleeps!
Do you think he will grow out of it? Should I try harder to wake him up?
Thank you!

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Re: To sleepy for A time! Help!
« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2018, 08:48:15 am »
Hello and welcome to BW forums :)

Don't worry about your LO being sleepy now, he will soon "wake up"!!  I'd enjoy the Y time while you have the chance :)

If you want to put a little A between E and S and nappy change is enough.  If LO is really asleep I'd probably just put down for the nap and tell him, reasonably loudly, "I'm putting you in your bed so you can have a lovely sleep, call if you need me".  He doesn't understand the words right now but he will in time and he will still know you are telling him something reassuring.  Tracy said to communicate with our LOs about what we are doing when we are going to pick them up and put them down so it's just that, letting him know what's going on.

Unless there is a weight gain issue and you really have to feed on the clock I'd just let him nap until he is ready to wake, not more than 3hr straight but no need to wake him after 1.5hrs, hope that makes sense.  The routine will gradually form and as he gets a bit older you'll see him awake longer.
Honestly if he is napping well now go and get yourself a shower and a cup of tea, or a nap :)

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Re: To sleepy for A time! Help!
« Reply #2 on: August 04, 2018, 08:59:00 am »
Just came to add that I saw on your other thread LO came 5 wks early so really is like a 1wk old at this point - expected to spend pretty much all day asleep.  Just feed, cuddle and nappy change as needed. There is pretty much no A (or Y) time for new borns.