Sorry I missed you! It's been really crazy here. Lots of traveling. She is now 11 months and just cut her 6th tooth. So teething fun mixed in with all this.
Her schedule goes like this
5 am wake-wants a confort nurse and a rock. I know she's not actually hungry and it tends to mess with our first feed of the day, so I would like to cut this one. Trouble is it can take awhile to get her back down, this is the most annoying/problem we are looking to fix
6:30 wake and nurse
E 7 solid
A 8 commute and playtime
E 9:30 nurse
*10 snack sometimes or just playing
S 11 nap often sleeps for 2 hours and I have to get her up, occasionally will only do and hour and a half, if she does we bump her afternoon routine up bit.
E 1 wake and nurse
1:30 solids lunch
A 2 outside, often the pool
E 4 nurse
S 4:30 nap
5 wake
E 6 nurse
6:30 dinner
E 7:30 nurse topoff before bed
S 8/8:15 lights out
1(or so) she's up I nurse and 30-40 mins she's back down.
We are baby led weaning so she has to nurse before any solid foods. She's comes to work with me and we have a commute @ 5 otherwise we would do dinner then. She's likes a long A time, it took us a while to figure that out so I am always kinda weary to mess with it more.
He sleep routine is this
About 15 mins before sleep we go into her room and play quite for 5 with some lullabies, then check her diaper. Turn off the big light close the curtains turn on her white noise grab her lovie and read a book. ( She's not really a fan of reading time if you have any tips for that!:p) then we get her wearable blanket on turn of the lamp and lullabies and rock for 5. -if we're at work it's more of a walk then a rock but still only takes 5- I lay her down and she's out.
We go for a quick walk around the block-weather permitting- then come into her room. Change diaper, lotion, jammies nurse brush teeth. Daddy takes her we turn off the lights pull curtains turn on the white noise get lovie and read for a few minutes. Get her in her blanket kiss good night and I leave her daddy to it. It usually takes him5-10 mins and she's out.