Author Topic: PUPD not working. Help me please!  (Read 2413 times)

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PUPD not working. Help me please!
« on: August 31, 2018, 11:42:54 am »
Hi everyone, 

my little girl is 7 months old and we've been cosleeping on and off since she was born. Recently she started feeding at will all night and climbing all over me demanding milk every half an hour ;so I bit the bullet and started PUPD in her cot. 

The first night was horrible but it was what I expected. Four hours straight of PUPD and lots of tears until she finally went to sleep for the rest of the night. I geared myself up for the same thing the following night but  she slept right through until her 2am feed and then went back without a fuss until 6. I couldn't believe how quickly it worked, the self settling carried over to day naps and she no longer wakes after 45 mins during the day. I was so impressed with the whole technique that I immediately told all my new Mummy friends that this was the holy grail of sleep training.....until the 3rd night!

My daughter started waking at 11pm like she had been doing prior to training but I was able to use PUPD and not feed her back to sleep (since she only latches on for 2 mins  normally and drifts back off) I got her in the cot and she woke up 10 mins later and I had to do it again. She then woke at 12, 1, 2 and 5. This has been going on for seven nights now, with her always waking at 10:30/11pm and taking half an hour to settle with PUPD,  then shes up again at 1 for more of the same, then 2 for a feed after which she refuses to go back to sleep. The worst part is that she no longer cries, she just stands up in her cot and shouts. I go to lay her down and she cries for 10 seconds and then just stands up again. This went on and on for 2 hours last night and by 4am I was crying myself. She then started  really crying and I had to do PUPD for another hour until she went off to sleep and then she woke up an hour and a half later for the day.

I am exhausted and really feeling low. I have no-one to help me at night and I just can't carry on like this. I thought it would start working after a few nights of consistent routine but she is very determined. I haven't caved and let her into my bed at all, I keep lights dimmed and try to stay as calm as I can but I'm close to throwing in the towel because I can't imagine how it will get any better. 

Any advice please?

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Re: PUPD not working. Help me please!
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2018, 19:11:40 pm »