Author Topic: 9 month old not wanting drop to 3 bottles  (Read 3628 times)

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9 month old not wanting drop to 3 bottles
« on: September 13, 2018, 07:08:58 am »
My little girl just turned 9 months and  has always been a hungry baby and loved her bottles. I usually feed her after I've got her up for the day at 6:30am and changed her. She'll get really anxious when she sees the bottle and you can see her relax as soon as she starts the bottle. She gets so excited if she sees me getting a bottle ready.

Until a couple of weeks ago she was still pretty much drinking four 250ML bottles a day. I've read and been told that at this time they should be reducing to 3 bottles a day and that a lot seem to naturally reduce their intake by this age. That wasn't the case with my girl and it seemed to be impacting her other meals so I cut out the 4th bottle. So in the last couple of weeks she has been having a bottle at 6:30am, 1pm and at 6/6:15pm. Well she hasn't been impressed about that and before the bedtime bottle she is beside herself.

She is in daycare 3 days a week and they tell me that she has a good breakfast, morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea. I'm at a bit of a loss as to what to do as daycare also told me that she is crying when she finishes her 1pm bottle as she wants more. I'm wondering whether I should give her a small bottle at afternoon tea to help her get through to bedtime.

Has anyone experienced this and does anyone have any suggestions?