Author Topic: Avoiding veg  (Read 4153 times)

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Offline eva026

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Avoiding veg
« on: September 19, 2018, 19:08:17 pm »
Dd is just over 1yo, eats well. We have been doing blw from the start, so she decides what and how much she eats. Unfortunately vegetables are a problem. She always gets one of two at every meal but 90 percent of the time will try them and spit them out. She used to eat tomatoes, cucumbers and carrots but now won’t have them either. The only thing left is avocado and that’s on toast, not on it’s own. I hide zucchini in whatever I can (pancakes, scrambled eggs etc) and she gets thick tomato soup or sauce - she’ll eat that but no soup made of other veg. All in all I figure she’s actually eating maybe one serving of vegetables a day.
Is this bad? It’s not like I can force feed her, I offer veg but she just won’t eat it. I’m a bit lost because she older sister loves vegetables so all this is new.

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Re: Avoiding veg
« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2018, 06:32:46 am »
Are you offering veg that is in season, I noticed my youngest would only eat what was in season and from the fruit and veg shop... supermarket stuff no way, it was like he could taste the fact it had been in cool storage for months

As an interesting aside, my DS1 was shocking with veg until about 10yo, now at 15yo eats most vegetables  (more out of good health than anything about taste) my nephew hardly ate anything other than veg until about 8yo, now at 14yo he’s not so great on the veg, so my advice is just keep plugging away and never stop offering opportunities for her to eat veg
dc1 July 03, dc2 May 05

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Re: Avoiding veg
« Reply #2 on: September 20, 2018, 09:54:19 am »
What about hiding other blended veg in things? Jamie Oliver has a great recipe for 7 veg sauce which can be used in place of a tin of tomatoes in almost any recipe.
Will she eat things like shepherd's pie or bolognese? I grate carrot into mince dishes and stews. Blended celery can be hidden easily. Blended leeks go nicely in mashed potato. Blended broccoli in cheese sauce.

What about veg in a sauce? Cauliflower cheese mixed with pasta. Spaghetti made from veg like squash or courgette.

What about raw veg as snacks like red pepper, sugar snap peas. Pickled veg like beetroot, onions or cornichons?   

Smoothies? My kids love cherries, spinach, kale and banana with a spoonful of cocoa powder and some almond milk.

Mine aren't mad on veg but I just serve a portion with every meal and try to encourage them to eat at least some. Sometimes they like it if I spoonfeed it to them which is kind of ridiculous but hey ho.
Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011

Offline eva026

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Re: Avoiding veg
« Reply #3 on: September 20, 2018, 10:02:30 am »
It’s hit and miss with blended stuff. I hide veg wherever I can: meat balls, mini burgers etc but there is only so much you can do. Broccoli or cauliflower she won’t touch in any form. Nothing raw either. As I write this she is picking out bits of chicken I mixed with raw grated carrots and grated apples. Every time she a bit with the carrot/apple touches her tongue she spits it out and cleans her tongue, lol.
She’ll eat pickled cucumbers and pickled cabbage but I try to limit that to once a week because of the salt
« Last Edit: September 20, 2018, 10:04:26 am by eva026 »

Offline dache

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Re: Avoiding veg
« Reply #4 on: September 20, 2018, 11:32:20 am »
My 9 month old eats everything except banana. I can try to hide it in anything she wont eat it.
My 4,5 year old...wont eat anything. I'vw tried Jamie's sauce, she doesnt like sauces. No soups, no smoothies, no meatballs, she wont eat anything.
I got hopefull when I read about your DS,Kate but it went away when I read about your nephwer lol. I read ricently on fb that a womans son started eating veggies when he joined the military, I hope I wont have to wait that long haha

I hide things in sweet stuff. She loves muffins but has no idea they are loaded with banana and carrots (she also wont eat bananas). And I keep offering.

Offline eva026

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Re: Avoiding veg
« Reply #5 on: September 20, 2018, 18:09:17 pm »
Sigh... guess ill just have to ride it out. I just assumed that if she sees her sister and us eating vegetables, it automatically means she’ll eat them too.
Odd tastebuds this kid, she loves olives, sour crout, pickles but won’t have a carrot or pepper