Hi Everyone! I'm new to this forum although have been using the PU/PD and pat/sush methods for a few weeks now. Some background: my little one is 3 months and for the most part is an angel baby. With the one exception of sleep. From the beginning, in the hospital, she didn't/couldn't sleep. She wouldn't cry, she would just lie there. (She also broke out of the swaddle from birth and no nurse could keep her swaddled in the hospital. We worked for 6 weeks to help her tolerate it hoping it would improve her sleep, and it didn't. Now I've stopped swaddling her, and it made no difference.) The only way she slept from the beginning was by nursing. Then my mother came to visit and held her a lot, and she fell asleep in her arms. And so a new method of accidental parenting was born. I worked really hard, even then, to have her sleep in her bassinet, but she would just lie and play. And we knew how important sleep was, so we tried every which way to help her sleep. Even when we hold her, she often doesn't sleep. Now I'm trying these methods and I hope they're helping. She cries more before bedtime than ever before - in fact starts screaming when I start sleeptime routine (I've never done CIO or anything like that, so I'm not sure why she's screaming as she's usually really calm and happy), but after about 20 minutes of screaming and with my help she calms down. Note: We'd never given the pacifier and tried to a couple times yesterday and today, and it helped her to calm down before sleeping. Perhaps I should have used it from the beginning, but I was scared to create another sleep prop.
Anyhow, although so many ongoing challenges remain, one main one is that she only sleeps up to 45 minutes for most naps. This has been the case since she was about 5-6 weeks. We tried everything to help extend them, and rarely are we successful. The pat/sush and pu/pd only worked once in the past three days, as an example. Any tips? I really want to extend her naps, as she's so much happier when she's rested! (One note: She sleeps really well at night, often about 13 hours though does wake in that time to eat).
Thanks for your help!