Our Angel Baby has started waking up more at night. He has been on EASY since birth and extremely predictable. He hit 6 months about 6 weeks ago and since then has been all over the place with all the 6 month changes: teething, scooting, solids, more nursing bc of growth spurt, slowing going to 2 naps, etc. Naps have been so hard to predict with him and they are finally affecting his night sleep.
One other factor in this is I don't know how much milk he's getting and my supply dropped so we started supplementing with formula after almost each feed to make sure he has enough. Now we aren't sure what he needs as I think it's part of the routine. We realized he must be getting too much at night as he's soaking through even a night diaper!
S: 7pm
NWs: 12pm, 3am for nurse and bottle
A: 5:30am up for the day
S: 8am
A: 11:20am
S: 2:00pm
A: 3:20pm
S: 6:45
NWs: 10pm, 2am, 5:30am, (nurse/bottle)
A: 7am
(S: 10 min nap at 10am at Church)
S: 11:40am
A: 2:00pm
CN: 5:00-5:30pm
S: 7
Last night I worked on tanking him up better in the evening but he still woke up at 10:30pm, 1am, 4am (nurse/bottle) and was up again at 5:30am for the day and had soaked through his diaper. Basically, we aren't sure what to do. He was clearly waking up to nurse back to sleep.
*We did a modified PU/PD earlier this month and that seemed to be very helpful but he was hungry some nights with my milk supply dropping and we were having trouble figuring out if he was hungry or if we should do PU/PD
*My husband does it and he's in the room with DS and calms him with his voice.
*We use a paci but not for PU/PD and he's not dependent.
*What do we focus on first?
Thank you! I've received so much help and encouragement over the years and I'm so grateful!