Author Topic: 7 months old / 2nd nap too short and routine is getting messy help!  (Read 1866 times)

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Offline Mammazzilla

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Hi! First of all thanks for the support I got few months ago when I was dealing with the 45 minutes naps... OMG I'm so glad we grew out of it. So, now our routine is more or less like this:
7.00/7.30 awake
8.00 bottle
9.00/9.30 first nap (usually sleeps 2 / 2.5 h)
11.30 awake (solids)
13.30 bf
14.00 2nd nap which tipically lasts only 45 minutes
14.45 awake
15.30 yogurt + fruit
And here starts the mess. He gets quite tired around 5.00, I usually bring him for a walk to see if he can have an extra 15 min nap or I use a wrap and I carry him on back but it's very hard than to put him down at 7.00/7.30. I'm trying to extend the A time in the morning but he literallt falls asleep in my husband's arms (I work mornings so he stays with him and than we "switch" in the afternoon).
How can I help him extend the 2nd nap? Do you think that the lenght of his first nap has an influence on the lenght of the second? He's BF so he still wakes in the night 2/3 times and I don't mind it.
I think he's ready to drop the catnap but I really don't know how.
Any help will be much appreciated!

Offline Katet

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Re: 7 months old / 2nd nap too short and routine is getting messy help!
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2018, 00:45:52 am »
I'd try pushing his first nap later so say
8am bottle,
8.30 solids
10am nap
Noon awake
12.30 BF
3pm Nap
yogurt & fruit when awake

I'd say he falls asleep at that time in your DH's arms because it's become a ritual & habit. If your Dh was to do anther activity to get him through eg give solids at close to that time it would probably help him change the routine up a bit.

It's kind of like Jet lag when we get into a routine our body clock gets set & then when we travel it takes time to adjust... 15mins to a baby is like 2 hours to an adult, if that makes sense.
dc1 July 03, dc2 May 05

Offline Mammazzilla

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Re: 7 months old / 2nd nap too short and routine is getting messy help!
« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2018, 09:50:44 am »
Thanks, I'll try and are what happens!

Offline Mammazzilla

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Re: 7 months old / 2nd nap too short and routine is getting messy help!
« Reply #3 on: December 17, 2018, 13:45:19 pm »
Hi everyone,
I'm back on the same subject. I tried to extend the first A time to 3H but if I dont put him down within 2 hours he only sleeps 30/45 min instead of 2 hours as usual. So normally he goes down 9/9.30 and wakes at 11/11.30. His second nap should be than around 2ish but he only sleeps for 45 mins than, leading to a very very OT baby at 6pm. If I put him down for a catnap messes everything up, I'm a bit stuck here so any advice would be greatly appreciated.