Hi! First of all thanks for the support I got few months ago when I was dealing with the 45 minutes naps... OMG I'm so glad we grew out of it. So, now our routine is more or less like this:
7.00/7.30 awake
8.00 bottle
9.00/9.30 first nap (usually sleeps 2 / 2.5 h)
11.30 awake (solids)
13.30 bf
14.00 2nd nap which tipically lasts only 45 minutes
14.45 awake
15.30 yogurt + fruit
And here starts the mess. He gets quite tired around 5.00, I usually bring him for a walk to see if he can have an extra 15 min nap or I use a wrap and I carry him on back but it's very hard than to put him down at 7.00/7.30. I'm trying to extend the A time in the morning but he literallt falls asleep in my husband's arms (I work mornings so he stays with him and than we "switch" in the afternoon).
How can I help him extend the 2nd nap? Do you think that the lenght of his first nap has an influence on the lenght of the second? He's BF so he still wakes in the night 2/3 times and I don't mind it.
I think he's ready to drop the catnap but I really don't know how.
Any help will be much appreciated!