Author Topic: How to fit feeds in around new nap schedule 6mnt BF  (Read 3873 times)

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Offline Burnslizzie

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How to fit feeds in around new nap schedule 6mnt BF
« on: January 04, 2019, 13:39:12 pm »
Hi! Firstly want to say thank you for the wealth of info on this forum, it's helped us no end get through some tricky sleep issues.

Based on advice and FAQ's I've come across here, I have put my 6mth old on a new nap schedule and she's starting to get the hang of it, but I'm unsure what to do about feeds. She still wakes a lot in the night, and other than when teething etc I'm pretty sure it's hunger as I dreamfed her 3 times one night and she didn't wake at all.

Before changing the schedule I fed almost every 3 hours after waking from naps, but now if I feed just after waking the gaps are too long I think..? So while trying to work it out I've been feeding on demand but I think this has led to snacking every 2 hours, and actually taking on less calories.

We're introducing solids, but I don't think she's taking enough in to effect her milk intake yet.

I want to be able to work towards cutting out one or two of her night feed's (she eats approx every 2 hours at night :-[ ) but really would be happier doing this once I know she can get enough in the day.
Husband thinks, cut the night feeds and she'll have to eat more in the day.. is he right? 

One last thing, she's a pretty big baby- over 97% in height and in the 80's for weight and breastfed if that makes any difference.

So current nap/day looks like:

Wake 5.30-6.30 (ugh!)

Nap 8.30/9-10.30/11 depending on what time she woke and how tired she is

Nap 1.30-3.30 depending on what time she woke from nap 1

Bed 7/7.30

Hoping someone will be able to give me a bit of guidance as what I should be doing! Thank You, L

Offline Desiree87

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Re: How to fit feeds in around new nap schedule 6mnt BF
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2019, 01:23:48 am »
hi there,
It would make sense what your husband is saying but it is easier said than done when you have a hungry baby at night ;-)
Hmmm, have you tried to give her the paci for one of these night feedings instead of feeding her? Try to gradually reduce food at night if paci doesn't work. Maybe feed her just half of what you would usually give her at night and then the paci.

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Re: How to fit feeds in around new nap schedule 6mnt BF
« Reply #2 on: January 17, 2019, 12:07:58 pm »
I wouldn't recommend actively weaning night feeds on a baby this young. There are lots of reasons a baby nurses at night.  Often when they start solids this will displace milk in the day. As breastmilk is generally most calorific than most solids baby will be eating this can mean they fill up on solids and then need to make up a calorie deficit at night. It's also a time of a big growth spurt and night feeds are an important way to boost your supply to meet her growing demands.  Plus they're more mobile and distracted with new developments in the day so might need to catch up at night.

Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011

Offline Desiree87

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Re: How to fit feeds in around new nap schedule 6mnt BF
« Reply #3 on: January 17, 2019, 12:19:24 pm »
I agree with Ali. Up to a certain age, we should feed our little ones during the night too. I couldn`t see any age in your post. How old is your child?

Offline Desiree87

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Re: How to fit feeds in around new nap schedule 6mnt BF
« Reply #4 on: January 17, 2019, 12:33:09 pm »
Actually, I assumed 6 months because of the I remember, ha!
Substituting a paci with a nightly -out of habit-meal would be okay I thought..Friends I have talked to who have a six months old as well, are doing it this way. And I am trying to do it with my LO who is 5 months old. The way I do it, is that I try to listen whether she is just kind of talking/complaining/making sounds. Sometimes she will fall asleep on her own again without me having to go into her room. When I hear her crying though, I immediately go in. Her not being able to sooth herself back to sleep in the middle of the night is a sign for me that she really is hungry and then of course, I am feeding her. I would never let her cry it out. When my baby was as young as 1, 2, 3 or 4 months old, I always went in to feed her when I heard her cry..I believe at that age, they still need their feedings during the night. It also makes a difference whether your LO was a premie or not. Premies need more feedings throughout the day/night for a longer time, I was told.

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Re: How to fit feeds in around new nap schedule 6mnt BF
« Reply #5 on: January 17, 2019, 12:55:43 pm »
She's 6months i assume from the title 🙂

It's now recommended to bf on demand in response to your baby's cues.  At that age I'd probably have fed on wake up and then given a top up feed a bit before the nap. You could do the top up right after you offer solids as it helps with digestion. That way you'd probably be able to stop it as baby takes more solids and isn't hungry at that time. Or some people do it half hour before the nap. The sleep hormones in the milk can help settle for naps too. But if at any point baby gets fussy you would just offer a feed then I guess.

It's completely biologically normal for a baby to have night feeds until at least 1yo. The WHO recommend feeding on demand day and night for 2yrs or more. You could try a paci but personally I think 6mo is too old and the time to wean a paci if baby has had one. I actually think having a paci is a worse habit than breastfeeding at night as it offers no nutrition, sleep-aiding hormones, pain relief or antibodies and is detrimental to tooth development. And it's another thing you'll have to wean eventually. If you do introduce a paci be careful it doesn't affect supply. A lot of mums who claim their milk has dried up have actually been refusing feeds by giving baby a dummy so their bodies think the milk isn't needed. Try to keep at least 1 feed between 1-5am as this is when then milk making hormones are highest and milk production most effective.
Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011

Offline Burnslizzie

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Re: How to fit feeds in around new nap schedule 6mnt BF
« Reply #6 on: January 24, 2019, 18:10:47 pm »
Thank you all for the replies, seems the consensus is keep feeding on demand, which I think makes sense, as really there's no way I can tell how much she's having and until she's established on solids I wouldn't feel comfortable stopping feeding and having a hungry baby.
Apologies for the slow reply, I must say that since I posted, things have settled around her new sleep routine, and although still nursing a lot, it feels right at the moment, I'm sure it'll all change though ;-)