First time posting so please be gentle!
We've been trying to stick to EASY since about 2 months old when I moved from breast to formula.
At the start, the E was the hardest part - she would take only a couple of oz at a time. So I would continue to offer the bottle throughout her A time, so I think I've confused her. I figured she would eventually adjust to formula and start taking more. But no such luck. I then tried to extend times between E, which has worked (I now wait for her to be hungry) - but she still won't take anywhere near a full 5/6oz feed! The only time she would take such a big feed is at the DF when she was sleepy enough to take it.
Then last night she woke before we gave the DF and wouldn't take the full amount, so was then unsettled all night trying to catch up!
Anyone have any ideas how to get LO to take more? Will I get results if I just leave her as long as possible between feeds and not let her snack in between?