Author Topic: 3 month old, 4:30 am wake ups  (Read 3708 times)

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Offline shirat

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3 month old, 4:30 am wake ups
« on: February 20, 2019, 13:08:13 pm »
My lo turned three months today! For the last month she’s been waking like clockwork at 4:30 and take over an hour to resettle back to a deep sleep! She doesn’t feed during the night so it’s not Fromm hunger but I can’t figure her out ! Any ideas ?

Offline Katet

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Re: 3 month old, 4:30 am wake ups
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2019, 02:08:17 am »
It's considered normal for babies around 3 months old to have between 2 & 4 night feeds at night, so I'm struggling to understand why you don't feed at night, esp since she was only 2mo when she started waking. To me in a baby under 3-4  months if it's been at least 2-3 hours since they last fed then the first option would be to feed and see if that helps.  Also there are loads of growth spurts in the first 3 months so it could well have been started with a growth spurt & the need to feed.

Other than that have you looked at if there are any noises that could be awaking her at the exact time.  Although that said if she's been sleeping for at least 5- 6 hours then that's "sleeping through the night" at 3months old so she'd be  likely to wake then because that's kind of how mother nature designed babies, rather than in being anything she or you aren't doing right.
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Offline shirat

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Re: 3 month old, 4:30 am wake ups
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2019, 20:05:22 pm »
She has been sleeping without a peep , without waking to eat since she was just over two month old, then suddenly the last two weeks or so she is waking so many times during the night, but not fully awake, mostly cryin in her sleep so I give a paci to resettle, this goes on for hours ! I’m nervous if I start feeding her the first time she wakes it’ll get into a habit of feeding to sleep . I’m averaging three hours of sleep a night this week I’m losing it!
Yesterday’s routine was textbook perfect until night time came around:
6:00, wake up and eat (use to be 7)
7:30 nap
9:00 wake and eat
10:30 nap
12:00 eat
1:30 - 2:45 nap ( carpool run during that time )
3:00 eat
3/30 - 5 nap
5:00 eat
6:30-7:00 cat nap
8:00 eat and bedtime , fell straight asleep
She then woke up around 9 didn’t fall back asleep until close to 10, then slept until 3:30 and on and off with repligfin paci, resettling until morning

Offline Katet

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Re: 3 month old, 4:30 am wake ups
« Reply #3 on: February 21, 2019, 23:59:45 pm »
Honestly a night feed shouldn't change the day sleep and if you are replying with the Pacifier for hours the what have you go to loose.
As growth isn't linear in the first year, just because she didn't night feed for a few weeks at 2mo doesn't mean she won't need them in a growth spurt.
At 3 mo the ' normal' would be a 10or 11pm dream or waking feed and then another sometime between 1am and 4 am and possibly another around 4/5 am if they fed around 1am so to go from 8pm to 6 am without a feed would only be if they slept through... So to me that 3.30am wake up with unsettled until morning would absolutely warrant a feed. ,
dc1 July 03, dc2 May 05

Offline shirat

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Re: 3 month old, 4:30 am wake ups
« Reply #4 on: February 22, 2019, 00:15:53 am »
I’m gonna try it over the weekend and see if helps, she just doesn’t seem hungry bec she isn’t crying and screaming like she does during the day when she really hungry, but I m kinda worried also that she isn’t eating at night so I I’ll keep you posted

Offline Katet

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Re: 3 month old, 4:30 am wake ups
« Reply #5 on: February 22, 2019, 04:59:26 am »
If she's crying & then gets to screaming is that because you wait for 3 hours to feed her, or does she escalate to screaming in about a minute, because if she's crying for food, don't hold out for a set time, rather feed her.
dc1 July 03, dc2 May 05

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Re: 3 month old, 4:30 am wake ups
« Reply #6 on: February 23, 2019, 14:30:13 pm »
It's very normal for young babies to spend lots of time in deep sleep and do long stretches then when they get to 3-4mo wake more as their sleep cycles mature. There are also lots of developmental leaps and growth spurts happening around this time. Baby definitely sounds hungry. The dummy is probably just masking her feeding cues. Crying is actually considered a very late feeding cue.
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