Thanks for your reply. DS is now 13.5weeks and we are still having the same problems.
I’ve tries altering oUr A times but still get 45mins (if I go anywhere around the 1h15-30 mark) or sometimes just 30mins (when I’ve tried 1h45).
It’s definitely a sleep cycle issue - I’ve tried w2s but he always eventually fully stirs, even ifhe lies dozing and trying to resettle for 10-15mins.
Then obviously when he’s only had 45mins, he’s yawning and rubbing his eyes half an hour later. Then I have to go through the whole thing again, kicking and screaming while I rock and then put down. Sometimes he then only naps for 15-20mins on the second time. I also have a 2.5year old at home.
I’m struggling to get through a day without him having something silly like 6 cat naps!
I’ve now completely blacked out the nursery so he has no visual distractions, but I’m also now struggling to get him to WD/settle in the first place (which never used to be a problem) - if I hold him for WD or put him in his sleeping bag, then he fights and fights. He’ll scream (quite literally) and thrash for a good 5mins and I have to rock him...then he’ll suddenly crash and fall asleep, so I put him down. I’m aware that this means he expects me to still be there when he wakes up and won’t connect sleep cycles well. I’m unsire what else to try? I’ve tried ssh/pat in his cot but he just screams (and then doesn’t calm down when held either until rocked for a long time)
Is he too young for PUPD? Although I’m not sure this would work, as like I said, he doesn’t calm down very well even when picked up.
He’s a textbook/spirited baby.