Author Topic: First time mom...40 minutes nap... Difficulty connecting sleep cycles  (Read 6719 times)

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Offline tbryans

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Did the naps ever get better? I’m currently sitting in your shoes with a ten week old! Help needed!

Offline Bcav15

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Hey!  So sorry, just saw this!  Yes it got much better!  Around 8 months he started connecting cycles almost consistently for the first nap. Around 9 month he started to lengthen the afternoon nap too. From about 9 months until now (13 months) 90% of the time he gives me two 1.5 hr naps a day. We have off days and need to roll with it. That morning nap still to this day is spot on. I did have to increase wake times as he got older. The second nap is back to 40 mins but I think he’s trying to tell me it’s time to drop to one long nap.

Honestly nothing I did helped lengthen his naps. I tried everything and read everything for months!!!  I truly believe it’s development and they will do it when they can. Follow age appropriate wake times and hang in there!  It gets better. I have learned that I need to drop the idea that things will be perfect and roll with it. My babe is happy and healthy!  Let me know if you have any questions or need help with coming up with a schedule for the short naps. I can tell you what I did. :)

Offline Gretaa

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Hi, could you post some routines? I decided to just roll wth the 30-45 minute naps. My daughter is 17weeks old and falls asleep at 20:30 and wakes up at 9:30. Used to be 7:30 but i let her aleep for as long as she wanted and thats what we ended up with for the past couple of days and im thinking if i should keep it. She used to do one long nap when she woke up at 7:30 and would be really sleepy before it, so i figured maybe she wanted to sleep longer at night. And she is quite hard to get to fall asleep for naps but sleeps well and falls asleep by herself during the night.

What i do right now with naps is:
1st and 2nd nap for as long as she wants which is 40mins and then try to resettle for max 20min but that usually doesnt work. After 3rd nap we go for a walk immediatly. She then 5/10 sleeps in the pram for another 30min. And im tryong toget rid of 4th nap by putting her to bed earlier. We moved bedtime from 20:00 to 19:00 to see if she will accept it   ;D
Her awake times are 1:15 to 1:30, sometimes 2hrs.
Should i roll with what i wrote? Or change some things up and see maybe that helps?