Author Topic: 7 month old, 3rd baby, EASY disaster!  (Read 3914 times)

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Offline m.ned

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7 month old, 3rd baby, EASY disaster!
« on: January 23, 2019, 18:15:09 pm »
I have been an avid BW follower since my first child was born 6 years ago. He was a textbook baby, followed by my 2nd who was an angel baby. Now with my third, she is DEFINITELY touchy and slightly spirited and I'm having a hard time. I am so frustrated--trying to read her sleep/eat cues is so difficult and no matter how hard I try to get her into a routine, things are a disaster. She was an AMAZING and easy newborn and then things took a turn starting at 4 months when she cut two teeth. Things have been all over the place since then and she will be 7months on Friday.  She's definitely in the 3-2 transition as well as teething, but I'm having a hard time determining her awake times because her mood changes so much from day to day. Here was her EASY yesterday. We are in a bit of a EAES pattern because of the length of her awake times and the fact that she hasn't started solids yet (she had some food allergy issues we had to get straightened out, we'll begin solids again this weekend). I do nurse before her naps, but she goes down fully awake and happily babbles or whines and falls asleep within 5-10 mins.

E 7a
E 9:45a
S 10a-1215p
E 1p
E 3p
S 315p-5p (I woke her from this nap)
E 530p
Bedtime routine 715pm, top up feeding, jammies, book
S 730
NW from 9-11pm, 2a, 3a, 5a, 6a
woke for the day at 715

This obviously was a really bad night for us. What I don't understand is why? Her naps were great and she went down for the night easily. I gave motrin around 10 because she had been awake for an hour but she wasn't really unhappy? I think she is teething but the motrin never really seems to make a difference with whether she wakes or not.

Things I have noticed over the past 2 months of her sleep being all over the place:
-she does not do well with a long awake time before bed. This definitely needs to be her shortest awake time of the day. If its too long, she will wake every hour between bedtime and midnight.
-she will not settle with my husband and will only settle during the night by nursing
-she does better during the night if she has 3 short naps during the day (like an hour or less). She'll be cranky during the day on a schedule like this, but she will sleep 4-5 hours stretches at night. If we have a day like this, the catnap is a battle and she wakes early and unhappy.

I am at a loss. I keep telling myself its a phase and we'll get through it but we're going on 3 months of 4-5 nights a week of her waking every 1-2 hours. I am miserable and I still have two other children to care for! Any advice would be so appreciated. This forum has helped me so much in the past.

Offline Katet

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Re: 7 month old, 3rd baby, EASY disaster!
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2019, 23:03:29 pm »
Did you give Motrin with a feed, as my understanding (not a brand here) is it's ibuprofen, which can cause problems on an empty stomach, often paracetamol based pain meds are better in babies.

My DS1 was was a sleeper like that... we found out much later he had fluid in his ears (yet never really had an an ear infection) & mild sleep apnea... so my suggestion with it going on long term is get a Dr to give her a really good check out.
dc1 July 03, dc2 May 05

Offline Philothea

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Re: 7 month old, 3rd baby, EASY disaster!
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2019, 10:23:06 am »
This sounds so much like my current struggles with my touchy DD5. I'd love to know whether you found an underlying cause or how you professed on from here.

Offline m.ned

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Re: 7 month old, 3rd baby, EASY disaster!
« Reply #3 on: April 01, 2019, 01:08:07 am »
DD3 is now 9 months and since writing this post, she has cut 5 teeth and has gone from 3 naps to 2! The 3-2 transition was ROUGH for us and she wasn't solidly on 2 naps until maybe 2 weeks ago. We do feel that the majority of her NW were teething pain related. Neither of my other children seemed quite as upset while cutting teeth as she has been! That being said, she still wakes 2-3x per night. We finally got her on a 4 hr nursing schedule (she was nursing ever 2-3 hours before) which I think has helped the nights as well. I would say it is 75% better than before, but still not where I would like her to be at this age. Her current EASY is:

630 W/U--nurse
7--wind-down routine, nurse
usually has a NW around 1230 and 430/5

Honestly, we have been in survival mode. We've just been watching to follow her cues trying to figure out what works for her since shes so different from our other two. I think alot of it is her personality!