Any advice would really be much appreciated... bubs woke at 10am for his feed this morning and by the time we finished it was 1120am with 2 nappy changes , pausing to wind, latching can take a few mins too, and he also brought up milk twice ...
So my question is if I want to try the 3 hour easy, and his awake currently should be approx 1 hour ( and assuming that E is part of the A time), then have I already missed the window to put him down? I’ve been trying for half an hour to put him down and he is tired and his eyes are starting to close but all of a sudden they open wide again... I tried to put him in cot when calm but still awake but started crying again after a few minutes... I’m really worried I just can’t get him to sleep and then have to get my other half to step in,.... and he goes back to work next week 😥😥😥😥😥