Thank you, Laura, for your reply! 😊
He has 6-7oz at breakfast, another 5-6oz at 11 and then the other 2 bottles are hit and miss, but I offer 6oz - he’ll perhaps have 3-4oz mid afternoon and then, as I said, I’m lucky to get an oz in him at bedtime.
So, at about 15-18oz, he is already on the low side of milk intake, I’m aware. He has a milk allergy and is on prescription milk which doesn’t taste great. DS1 was the same - never took more than 5-6oz per feed, and he dropped bottles at 9months (I think!)
I’m just not sure, if I drop to 3 bottles, when to offer the middle one?
Would this work (I’ve included his current naps):
WU/E bottle: 6:00
E: breakfast 7:30
S: 9:00-10:30/11
E: snack 10:30/11
E lunch 12:00
E: bottle 13:30
S: 14:00-15:30
E: dinner 17:00
E: bottle 18:30
S: 18:45-19:00
So i decided to try the above today, seems how he didn’t cry for his bottle after his morning nap. But he still only had 3-4oz of that feed. We’ll see if he takes more than usual at bedtime though to even it out 🤷🏻♀️