We did the silent return to bed method with my son when he was that age, worked a treat!
You put them to bed with all the usual routine and reassurance, remind them to stay in bed etc. First waking they get put in with less conversation, fuss etc and a reminder. Second time, was less fuss we just tucked him in, said goodnight and a kiss and left. After that no conversation, just silently lead to bed, tuck in and leave. Repeat as many times as needed.
The first night it was probably about 20 times back to bed, the second night was way less and the third night less again. Night 4 no getting out of bed. You have to be really consistent though and the third time on has to be totally silent, no eye contact. You are removing the interaction so they aren’t getting any feedback to make it worth getting out of bed for, any attention is better than none! You are still responding but taking all the fun out of it.
Worked for us anyway!