Author Topic: Spirited Baby Help!!  (Read 2799 times)

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Offline sadcasey64

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Spirited Baby Help!!
« on: August 07, 2005, 17:30:29 pm »
Good morning ladies.  I just finished reading this book.  My ds is classified as a spirited baby.  He DEFINITELY tells me all about it.  I am having trouble with his crying.  He fusses when he wants his way or tries to tell me anything.  Most of the time I can get what it is...hungry..diaper..sleepy...overstimulated.  But I was wondering if someone can tell me if I can help him calm down...he seems so unhappy and I just want him to be happy and not stressed out.   Does anyone else have this problem?
Also....he is 1 month 3 weeks old.  He will be 8 weeks this Wednesday.  Will he grow out of this....I feel like I am a horrible mother.  Thanks for any advice.


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Spirited Baby Help!!
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2005, 17:56:22 pm »
I totally understand your problem!  Mine is Spirited/Textbook, so probably not as insistent as yours, but as I was just telling my DH once he gets his back up about something, he'll sure let you know.  What I've found makes mine much happier is "baby alone time".  I put him on a blanket near a mirror and just let him chill out.  Before we started using the blanket, it was a mobile that worked for us.  I don't really talk to him and I don't have anything in his face, but he still has at least something to look at, and it's something that fasciantes him.  Aaron just seems to need that independent time.

And DON'T feel like a bad mom!!!  This is so hard for everyone.  If you read any books or talked to anyone with kids while you were pregnant, you probably heard "it just totally changes your life".  You're still adjusting to that change, and it's SOOO big that of course you get overwhlemed and feel like you don't know what you're doing.  That's me too.  And don't think that I'm an expert on any of this stuff either.  Aaron just started EASY 2 days ago, and will be 3 months next week.  It's very hard to try to adjust a baby that has learned other ways that don't work as well, but it will get better, and your life overall will become so much easier.  Just keep trying!!

Offline Deb_in_oz

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Spirited Baby Help!!
« Reply #2 on: August 08, 2005, 02:15:09 am »
that is great that you are able to figure out how to meet his needs.  this is my 2nd and i had (still do) a hard time figuring out her VERY subtle cues (apart from overtired which was 80% of our problem).

as far as soothing him - i definitely suggest swaddling and dark/dim room.   and try to avoid overstimulatrion and overtired - better to keep it very low key for the next 1-2 months as he hopefully gets better at handling stimulation.  it took dd2 until 4 months to start getting better and at almopst 6 mo now she is so happy and alert - we still struggle with daytime sleep - she is all action and hates to wind down.
Debra - a New Yorker living in Australia married to a Brit

dd1 - Textbook/Angel, born July 2003
dd2 - Spritied through & through, born Feb 2005

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