Author Topic: 8 week old - 3 hour feeds?  (Read 2984 times)

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8 week old - 3 hour feeds?
« on: July 26, 2005, 02:25:50 am »
My daughter is nearly 8 weeks and we have been following the EASY routine for about 2 weeks.

I would like to know how you gradually increase their time between feeds to eventually reach 4 hours at 16 weeks? I am currently waking my daughter every 3 hours - don't know if this is correct but the book states not to let them sleep more than 2 hours during the day. She is currently only able to stay up for 45minutes to 1 hour.

Should I keep her on the 3 hour routine?

I like to keep her bedtime at 7pm, so bottle at 6.30pm and then bed. Can i continue to do this if she goes to say a 3 1/2 routine? How to you gradually increase to a 4 hour?

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yes you can
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2005, 02:49:08 am »
If you are bottle feeding you can put her in a 4 hour routine as for this week. My daughter is 8 weeks too and is in a 4 hour easy. She eats 4 or 5 oz. of formula and if she wakes up early we play. I bath her at 6:30 and feed at 6:45 and then sleep. I increased each day 10 more minutes for the next fed. If she is supposed to eat at 11 I gave her at 11:10 the first day, the second at 11:20 and so on until finally she gets there, but you need to be sure to give her enough amount of formula for her to take it. How to know? If for a whole day she drinks 3 oz. and finish them completely (8 out of 10 bottles or 7 out of 10) that means you need to put another oz. of milk.Until she reaches completely. Hope it helps and works. If questions i  will be pleased to help. Keep waking her up at the 3 hours or 3 10 or 3 20. Play a little  if the 2 hours had passed.  The decision of the 3 hour routine is up to you.
[img width= height=][/img] [img width= height=][/img]

Offline happychick2003

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8 week old - 3 hour feeds?
« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2005, 20:04:54 pm »
My daughter is nine weeks now and the only time I ever woke her for feeds was when she was first born as she premature.

Now she feeds every four hours and has a 7oz bottle all except on her second bottle of the day which has after 3 hours which I reckon she's still filling up from going all night without food - she has a bottle at 6am then 9am as she's gone from 1030pm the night before.

My view is don't wake a sleeping baby unless they go over 6 hours - babies tend to wake themselves when they are hungry and if they go over the 4 hours they make up for it somewhere else in the day - I know Annabel does.  As long as the baby is healthy and putting on weight don't wake them.

Hope this helps.
Annabel's mummy