Author Topic: Would you have done differently  (Read 1268 times)

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Would you have done differently
« on: September 05, 2005, 04:35:52 am »
Aiden has always been pretty good about going for naps & has often done things to indicate that is what he wants... now it is simply telling me "rest" 
Today he did the "rest" trick at 10.50am & there was no way he was napping then, so I said OK you can rest, but no paci, you can have the paci at the proper nap time after lunch. He got pretty upset & I just kept calm & tried to cuddle etc, offered books, trip to the park, which was what we were about to do after I fed Liam. Anyway it was also Liam's feed time & he was (unusually) kind of demanding it, so I sort of had to spread myself between them & hold Liam off as long as I could.
after about 20mins. I managed to talk Aiden into watching a Spot video (not ideal, but better than the nap) & then he lasted happily to 12.30 & when I said Liam was going down for a nap, he wanted a rest too this is pretty much when I like to have his nap time, but he would have it earlier given the chance (but I don't get both napping at the same time & he has a shorter nap & grumpy afternoon). So I it worked (he's been down nearly 2 hours), but I felt like I was going against all the things in place to teach him to like going to bed & indicate he is tired, but on the other hand I am trying to wean the paci (he only has it for naps & not at bed time, but we give it for night wakings & that is now causing a problem) so had he gone to sleep without it I would have let him go off. As it was he got the paci... but am I giving mixed messages???
dc1 July 03, dc2 May 05

Offline amheusser

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Would you have done differently
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2005, 18:49:15 pm »
We haven't had the paci issue, but everything else seems pretty much what I would've done.  You weren't telling him to not listen to his body, as you said you were fine with him going to nap early paci-less; you were just limiting the use of the paci, which has a specific time in your routine.  There's nothing wrong with that - you're just being consistent. 

Was he maybe looking for attention or getting bored?  Those are the times I have to work to figure out what's really bothering Katie - though with her it's usually telling me she's hungry, not tired.