Author Topic: 5 1/2 weeks and no longer sleeping more than 4 hours... help  (Read 1780 times)

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Offline ambrya_nell

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5 1/2 weeks and no longer sleeping more than 4 hours... help
« on: August 09, 2005, 04:09:05 am »
ok... everyone says 4 weeks is early for a baby to sleep 6-7 hour stretches.. is it? he was about 10 pounds.. drink 4-5 oz. every 3 1/2 hours and naps pretty well during the day... has had some evening crankies though.... all of a sudden he started waking at 4 a.m. and wanting to be fed.....don't know what happened.... and me and bf are disagreeing on wether to feed him or just try to put yhim back to sleep.. which usually doesn't work.. cause he's acting like he's really hungry.... should babies at that age still need a nighttime feeding or is there something else i can do to get him to sleep til 7? his last feeding is usually around 10-11.. jsut like the e.a.s.y. suggests... but he doesn't always do well with clustser feeds... cause he's a heavy napper....
any suggestions?

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5 1/2 weeks and no longer sleeping more than 4 hours... help
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2005, 04:58:12 am »
He's probably hitting the 6 week growth spurt.  Just ride it out and feed him if he acts hungry, because he probably is!  Things will go back to normal soon :)[/b]
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