Author Topic: Desperate for Sleep  (Read 1321 times)

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Offline pjs mom

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Desperate for Sleep
« on: August 13, 2005, 10:44:40 am »
My DS is 4 1/2 months, and not sleping at night at all.  A few weeks ago, he had a few nights where he slept from 8-6 with a dream feed, but that seemed to be a hige variation fromusual, and we did nothing different on the days where he slept better.  He has been on EASY since day 1, and has just never transitioned through the nights.  He has never been able to get to a 4 hour routing because he is too hungry, althoug he prefers longer naps (2 hours), and can be happily awake for 1 1/2 - 2 hours at a time - menas other than the hungerm he is ready for a 4 hour schedule, so we are struggling.  Yesterday for example was like this: (showing E & S only)
 E-7 (bf)
S- 8:30-10:30 (ealier nap than usual but had been up fussing between 6 & 7, so he was exhausted)

E-10:15 (bf)
S-small 1/2 hour nap only - wouldn't sleep any longer)

E-1:40 (bf)

E-440 (bf)
A- bath
E-6:40 (8 oz formula)
A- bedtime routine
S- 700

He was then up at 8:30 and 9:30, DF at 11 (8 oz), and then up again at 1 - unable to calm him down by 2:30 (never stopped screaming with PU/PD) so fed him 8 oz formula (obviously was hungry).  Then up at 3, 3:30, 5:30, and finally at 6 for the day.  Used PU/PD each time to get him back to sleep.  This has been my life for the past 4 months essentially, give or take a few nights when he slept through.  I have basically not slept the past 5 nights, and am going out of my mind.  Any suggestions at all appreciated.

Offline Onewoman

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Desperate for Sleep
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2005, 11:09:10 am »
Sorry to hear you are having such a hard must be at the sleep standing up stage :roll:. I have a few questions, how does your ds get to sleep? Does he feed well when you b/f him? What is your diet like - are you eating/drinking enough? Is he a big boy ie: weigh a lot?

Hope I can help  :D
Susana xx
Mum to Ruby Rose (Spirited, Touchy)
& Ella Joy 4/10/92 (Teenage and hormonal)

Offline pjs mom

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Desperate for Sleep
« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2005, 11:56:09 am »
He is a fairly big boy - was born at 36 weeks weighing 6pds 14 oz, and was 14 pd 8 oz.  He goes down really easily - still swaddled.  We swaddle him and have a quiet sit in his chair, but he is inbed as soon as eyes glaze over (often never sit for more than a minute).  The right to sleep with a few seconds of sshing.  At night, no paci, but he goes down for naps with one in, and spits it out as soon as he is asleep.  These last few days, he sleeps for 2 hours straight most naps - used to wake at 45 minutes, then resettle for anhour or so.  We used PU/PD to extend the naps.

He used to be a great feeder when i b/f, but now writhes around as he is feeding, and by late afternoon never seems satisfied - drains both sides fairly quickly.  It was taking an hour to feed in the evening, whereas he drains an 8 oz bottle in 10 minutes.  That is why we give formula for his last feed and the dream feed.  My diet is not great - I need to get better at taking the time to eat better meals - I often grab whatever is easy.  But I've always got water on me, and drink tons.

Offline cwolff

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Desperate for Sleep
« Reply #3 on: August 13, 2005, 17:16:31 pm »
I would talk to his doctor about introducing solids like cereal.  He may be ready to start eating.  Also, he may not be getting enough breast milk to satisfy him, and you may need to supplement him more during the day.  It sounds as though he has a little day and night confusion, if you are feeding him each time he wakes up in the night.  He may need to eat more then once during his A time also, like feeding him when he wakes up, and then giving him a small feed before a nap.  Tracy does mention this as a solution for one of her clients.  Eventually the baby transitioned to the full 4 hour easy and was able to drop the nap feed.  I can't remember if I read it in her book, or on this website though.  You can always feed before a nap, then change a diaper and do a winddown so he doesn't fall asleep on the breast or bottle.  Keep us updated, and hang in there.  Don't give up even though you are probably so tired you can't think straight.  And for now, sleep when he sleeps during the day, which I'm sure you are, so at least you can function.