HI there,
No, you are not alone. My Samuel finally started sleeping through the night around 10 months, but really it was not due to anything I had been doing. His waking was always at different times (between 12 and 3)...and he would be awake until he was fed...it tried water, rocking, PUPD (he would go back to sleep eventually, but wake up 10 min later). Give him 4 oz of milk, and he would down it, then fall back asleep in his crib independently. He just turned one (YAY), but he seems to have a rule that he can only sleep through for two nights in a row. I'm going back to work in September and want better sleep too!!
One thing that I did find decreased how much he had at night was add water to his bottle. SO if he usually drank 6oz, I halfed it. 3 oz milk and 3 oz water. THen a few night later I only gave him 4 oz (2 oz of each), etc... This was at the time he started to sleep through. Then he was sick, teething etc... so we were back to square one, but I think it was beneficial to get onto the method of decreasing the milk at night. No matter how much food I gave him in the day, he wouldn't really eat more.
Sorry I can't give you a magic cure...I would love one myself. What I do now is when he wakes up, I give him water first. If he still fusses and I know his teeth might be bugging him I give him motrin or tylenol and give it time to work. If he still fusses, then I give him 4 oz of milk.
Lately, water often does the trick. I don't know if it is a maturity thing, or a milk thing. He is now off formula and on homo milk. My sisters girl started sleeping through the night when she was switched to homo milk. Who knows???
Good luck and you aren't alone during the wee hours!!