Thank you ladies for all of the recommendations

It sounds like EASY doesn't really have a start time until the baby develops it for herself, but some people do wake their babies. For now I will let her wake when she want's to but once I go back to work in two weeks I may have to wake her. Again thank you so much!!!
Some of the things you describe sounded very familiar. Previously my dd was sleeping consistent two hour naps during every day cycle but is now having trouble waking after about 30 to 45 minutes. I posted a message about this and it seems that many moms with 7, 8, and 9 weekers are going through this. My dd basically sleeps less through out the day so in the morning she is happy as can be and by the evening she is grouchy as heck. I try to maintain her long naps by running into her room and patting/shushing. I find the more she sleeps the happier she is. As you can imagine this is very tiring so sometimes I resort to the a prop :oops: the vaccum. From what I understand they grow out of this when they are better able to self-soothe. Let's hope that is sooner than later :wink:
In regards to your grouchy time I'm sorry to hear that it is so early in the morning. I didn't experience this exactly but there was a period of time when my dd would sleep perfectly the first half of the night but the second half she would feed and then be wide awake a soon as she would hit the bassinet. I would then proceed to pat/shush until I would just fall asleep holding her or just gave up (up to two hours). I was so persistent because I was so scared that she would co-sleep forever with us. I then posted a question and a mom informed me that her son did this and that grew out of it. After that, if she resisted the second half of the night I would just let her sleep with me, after all every other sleep cycle of the day was in her bassinet. And sure enough she grew out of it. So my point is (sorry so long) that just because she is doing this now doesn't mean she will get use to it forever...I think it's okay to bend the rules sometimes.
Keep in mind that this is my first child and I myself am learning all about the BW method. So take what I say with a grain of salt

Hang in there and feel free to email me.